Chapter 1: Reincarnation

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Silence and light... No matter where one would look, in the white roomー no, it would be more appropriate to call it a vast field of nothingness. And in that field of nothingness, nothing but silence and light could be observed, or so one would think in a quick glance.

Like an islet situated in a vast blue ocean, a man stood out like a sore thumb as he sprawled unconscious in the field of nothingness as he basked in the light from all dimensions.

"Huh?... Where am I?" [???]

When he came to be, all he saw was light and nothingness which seemed to be stretching endlessly in all directions.

"Ugh... My head hurts... What just happened?" [???]

After recollecting himself, despite the sharp pain he is feeling inside his head, the man tried to calm down and recall the events that occurred to him.

The harder he tried, the more recollection of images flashed inside his head and he was finally able to recall the events that happened to him before he came to be in the field of nothingness.

Apart from the stormy weather, it was just a normal day for the 27-year old Matteo. He just finished his work and was on his way home until a truck lost control over its brakes and ran recklessly on the highway.

Matteo almost saw life flash before his eyes. Luckily, he was able to move out of the way before it had the chance to run over him. It was the first time in his life where he had such a strong adrenaline rush.

"And then... huh? What happened after that?" [???]

Matteo tried as hard as he could to remember what happened after such an event, but try as he might, it was all fruitless. If there was a effect from his efforts, it would only be that his headache worsened from how hard he tried to remember,

Having given up, Matteo once again scaled the vast field and tried to think of where he might be, but just like his previous actions, it was all fruitless as all he saw was pure white nothingness.

"Aaaagghhhhhh!!" [???]

Out of frustration, Matteo was able to do nothing but yell as loudly as he could to vent his irritation. He was about to start walking at random when suddenly...

"Oh, you're awake already?" [Voice]

"!!!" [???]

A husky voice resounded throughout the field of nothingness, leaving Matteo to jump in surprise from the sudden voice.

Matteo looked left and right, above and under in search of the voice's source but was not able to find anything.

'Ah, I've finally gone crazy...' [???]

"Young man, you aren't hearing things." [Voice]

Just as Matteo thought he was imagining things, the voice reverberated throughout the field once again, as if trying to reply to Matteo's strange actions.

With that reply, Matteo was able to confirm that his hearing was still fine, but despite that, he was still dumbfounded as to where the voice came from. He tried to search for hidden cameras thinking that it was a prank but all he saw was, well... nothing.

"Rest assured, young man. This situation is very much real." [Voice]

After searching the field once more, Matteo was unable to do anything but give up. After all, what kind of crazy person would do so much just to prank a salaryman. Pranks of such magnitude cost a lot of money, after all.

"Do you finally believe me?" [Voice]

"What other choices do I have? Anyway, who are you and what is this place?" [???] "Oh! How could I forget to introduce myself." [Voice]

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