Chapter 121: Business Deals

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Silence... There was only awkward silence to be observed throughout the whole room. Amongst the figures present, two were bowing their heads respectfully, while the other two seated themselves with wry smiles on their faces.

Compared to their previous reactions before where they would get flustered whenever someone bows their head to them, now, Grey and Yuna only wore tired expressions on their faces. No matter how much they have gotten used to it, it was still troublesome to deal with.

"Guildmaster, please raise your head. There's no need for such formalities. Just be casual with us." [Grey]

"N-No... I... How could I treat the heroes of Alfrionー" [Marcel]

"Guildmaster, we aren't here as heroes of Alfrione, but as regular customers. Please respect our wishes." [Grey]

Stern and full of authority. The tone of Grey's voice was much different than his usual. While he looked like a mere youngster on the outside, he possessed eyes which could make people of the Guildmaster's standing submit without resistance with just a single glance.

Seeing Grey's eyes, the Guildmaster felt suffocated under the imaginary pressure he was subjected to. The atmosphere in the room became tense to the point that no one could dare speak back to the Grey.

"Y-Yes... If that's what you want, Mister Grey, Miss Yuna." [Marcel]

"Hahaha, I'm glad that we came to an understanding." [Grey]

A smile bloomed on Grey's face at the end of his statement. While he was usually calm in such situations, there are times that coercion is useful to progress the situation. An example was what just happened.

Fixing his composure, the Guildmaster seated himself in front of Grey and Yuna. Following him, the receptionist from before also sat beside him. She was much stiffer than before and was a lot more nervous.

The Guildmaster then took his time to look at the documents on top of the table, scanning it with insane speed built from experience. Just a little over a minute and he already had a full grasp of things.

"I see... Mila, have you settled the payment yet?" [Marcel]

"N-No, not yet, Guildmaster. We were still in the process of confirming their identities." [Mila]

"Well, that won't be needed now... Let's see..." [Marcel]

Learning how much of the process has already been completed, the Guildmaster once again eyed the papers with one of his hands holding his chin. He was in deep thought about what to do.

"Mister Grey, Miss Yuna, we'll be offering this property to you at 1.6 million kiels. How does that sound to you?" [Marcel]

"Hm? Wasn't it 1.8 million kiels?" [Yuna]

"That's quite the discount, Guildmaster. Are you really sure about that?" [Grey]

"Hahahaha, consider it an investment. It wouldn't hurt the guild to gain the favor of Mister Grey and Miss Yuna. Rather, if you look at it from a merchant's perspective, this is quite cheap considering we are talking about the two of you." [Marcel]

The once shocked and polite Guildmaster was gone, what was left now was only a merchant weighing the pros and cons of the situation. A merchant whose eyes are shining from seeing a golden opportunity.

Grey and Yuna's values don't only lie in their identities as heroes of the kingdom, but also as amazing adventurers as well. There wasn't a single merchant which wouldn't snag such a tempting opportunity which may never come again.

Because of Grey's "Inventory", not only quality, but also quantity of materials are secured. They have already built a reputation on delivering high-quality materials which are usually hard to acquire. Materials which are only left to rot because of the difficulty in transportation, these are something only Grey and Yuna could provide.

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