Chapter 167: The Whims of Vanessa (pt. I)

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Clack Clack Clack

Footsteps echoed on the massive and spacious halls time after time as the morning sun started to rise. Rather than the clucking of roosters or the morning bell, such was what greeted people as they woke up in the morning.

There was also the scent of flowers from a nearby garden and the sweet smells of the bedroom from a variety of perfumes and fresheners placed all over the room. It was as luxurious as one would expect from one of the royal castle's guest rooms.

"Gwey... Wuv you..."  [Yuna]

Still half asleep, Yuna snuggled closer to Grey as she embraced him tightly, listening to the sound of his heartbeats with a satisfied smile on her face. His warmth, comfort, and scent made her feel safe and secured, hugging even tighter by the second.

After yesterday's events, Grey and Yuna passed time by playing a lot with the little princess. As soon as the sun set, they then had dinner and they were offered a room by the King, one they couldn't refuse with his extreme persistence.

And as one would expect from royalty, the room was very grand and massive, beating the previous rooms they have stayed at by leaps and bounds. The bed, the couches, the drawers, the closets, and everything there was in the room was very luxurious, costing thousands each.

The King also offered to have some servants cater to them, but the two immediately refused without a second thought. After all, their privacy would be on stake if they thoughtlessly accepted such a proposition. Of course, they wouldn't be doing such things in other people's homes, but still, they wanted to rest in private.

"Yuna, let go for a moment."  [Grey]

"No... Cuddle..."  [Yuna]

"Come on now, we still have to prepare for the day. It's almost 7 o'clock already. We'll be late for breakfast."  [Grey]

"No... Stay... Cuddle..."  [Yuna]

She was now in spoiled-child mode. Despite Grey using breakfast to his advantage, Yuna didn't budge and just continued to snuggle closer to him. Her clinginess was off the charts that even Grey doesn't know how to deal with her.

Clack Clack Clack

As Yuna continued to cling onto Grey, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the air. The closer the footsteps drew, the louder they became, until it suddenly stopped. The owner of the footsteps stopped right in front of Grey and Yuna's room.


Suddenly, a kick struck the doors. Even when it was locked, it was quickly opened with the force behind the kick. As for the one who did such an act, it was none other than a blonde-haired woman with a stomach which is already bulging.

"Rise and shine, you two!"  [Vanessa]

A smug expression was plastered on Vanessa's face as she forcefully broke through Grey and Yuna's room, startling the two who were just flirting not too long ago. Even the half-asleep Yuna was quickly woken up, her face red as one can be and her face feeling feverish.

As for the one who suddenly intruded, she didn't really care much even when she intruded on their privacy. Despite being pregnant, Vanessa's energy wasn't any lower than before. If anything, she only became more energetic and mischievous.

"Ah... Please excuse me and continue what you were doing. Big Sis will be back in an hour. Hurry up with it, okay?"  [Vanessa]

"Big Sis Vanessa, it isn't like that! And you should have knocked first before entering! What would you feel if someone entered your room like this?!"  [Grey]

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