Chapter 15: Emergency!

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A few days have passed since Grey and Yuna had their first quest, and currently, the two are treading in a forest in order to fulfill another one of their quests. The last quest they needed in order to take a rank-up exam.

If it weren't for the lack of high-difficulty quests, they could have ranked up much sooner. It was unfortunate but there was nothing they could do about it.

And unlike their usual days, Grey and Yuna only took one quest for the day. It was so that they could finish earlier as Grey had promised to cook Yuna a delicious dish after their promotion to E-rank.

"Ah! I've found it. It's 300 meters northeast." [Grey]

The contents of their current quest was simple, it was to hunt a red-eyed boar which is roaming about in the forest. A beast Null-attributed beast which attacks by charging recklessly towards its enemies.

Although the quest provided a lot of points, the real reason why Grey and Yuna picked the quest was because... the boar's meat was exquisite! It was the meat Grey will use for their little celebration.

When the two arrived at the location, what greeted them was a large boar which easily exceeded 1.5 meters in height, it was even bigger than a regular bear. It was ramming a tree in hopes that the fruits would fall to the ground.

"Yuna, I'll leave this to you." [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

Without wasting a breath, Yuna vanished from the forest as if she was never there to begin with.

With her "Nihility", she snuck up on the red-eyed boar, and when it lowered down its head to eat the fallen fruits, Yuna quickly appeared from behind and swung her dagger down its neck.

《Swift Guillotine!》 [Yuna]

Before it even noticed, its head was already cut cleanly. Blood gushed out of the red-eyed boar's neck like a fountain, and shortly after, its massive body fell to the ground, making a loud thud.

Witnessing the scene before him, Grey once again realized how terrifying Yuna's ability was. If it weren't for his "Divine Eye", even he could not dodge an attack which was concealed both physically and magically.

"Grey!" [Yuna]

"Coming!" [Grey]

With the boar down for the count, Grey rushed towards it and quickly dismantled it, leaving only its tusks which will serve as its proof of subjugation.

Unlike monsters, beasts are simply animals which can utilize the mana inside their bodies and use magic. This means the moment they are defeated, they will leave their corpse behind. There also wouldn't be any mana crystals dropped as they are real living things.

What would normally take quite some time was sped up with the help of magic. The boar was now quickly dismantled, and its unusable parts were disposed of by burying it into the ground, preventing other beasts from gathering.

As for the tusks, bones, meat, pelt, and edible innards were stored cleanly inside Grey's "Inventory". Grey has already started planning what dishes to cook now that they have acquired the meat.

"Yuna, would you like grilled, fried, braised, or stewed pork?" [Grey]

"I want all of them!" [Yuna]

"Eh~? Would we even be able to finish it?" [Grey]

"Then let's eat with Helen and her parents! That way no food will be wasted." [Yuna]

Yuna said enthusiastically, making Grey chuckle with how eager she was. It seems like food is one of the things where the usually meek Yuna becomes energetic.

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