Chapter 13: The First Quest

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Verdant plains, a clear blue sky, and a fresh breeze, it was yet another quiet and peaceful dayー or so how it should have been, but across the horizon, dust clouds could be seen forming one after another.

The source of the dust clouds were none other than Grey and Yuna who are on their way on clearing their first batch of quests. F-rank quests which are of the highest difficulty.

In order to get promoted, one would need to earn the required amount of points and pass a rank-up exam. Points are rewarded on completed quests and depending on their difficulty, the value will vary. Even if the quests fall into the same rank, the points awarded will differ.

Of course, as points can be accumulated, one could also have their points reduced if they failed their quests. What's worse, if the quests was failed completely due to the adventurer's incompetence, they will need to pay a reparation fee. A fee which will cover the amount of time wasted when other adventurers could have completed it.

After accumulating enough points, the adventurer will be tested in a rank-up exam, where their abilities will be tested. And if one fails the rank-up exam, they would only need to earn only half the required amount of points in order to retake.

As F-rankers, Grey and Yuna would need 600 points each to qualify for a rank-up exam. The easiest F-rank quests rewards 15 points, while the hardest quests will earn them 130 points. Also, since the two are in a party, the points earned will be distributed amongst the two of them.

In order to make sure that each adventurer can complete at least one quest a day, the guild imposed a system wherein an adventurer can take on up to 2 quests a day, while a party can do at most 5 quests a day.

Keeping that in mind, Yuna and Grey picked the quests that would earn them the most points. In the end, they picked quests which would reward at least 35 points upon completion, the hardest ones in the F-rank quest board.

"Oh, is that it?" [Yuna]

Grey and Yuna ran for about a few minutes until a village appeared on the horizon. It was the village which posted the request to the Adventurer's Guild.

Unlike the city, it didn't have any sort of stone walls and only large wooden fences were defending it. And in front, there were only 3 soldiers, acting as guards with their simple spears.

"Hm? What's that?" [Guard 1]

The guard asked his colleagues as he saw a cloud of dust rising in the air, prompting the other 2 guards to look in the same direction.

"M-monsters!" [Guard 1]

"R-Ring the bells immediately!" [Guard 2]

Struck by fear, the guards panicked as they saw the dust clouds heading towards the direction of the village. One of the guards ran quickly in an attempt to ring the bell, while the other two readied their spears for combat.

In the guards' eyes, although they could see humanoid figures, they couldn't tell whether they were humans. And even if they were humans, they could have been bandits. All they could do was prepare themselves for whatever was coming.

Donggg  Donggg  Donggg

The moment the bell rang, panic immediately ensued in the village. The other guards which were on patrol came quickly to the gates with all their might, telling the villagers to hide along the way.

But as the bell rang, the cloud of dust eventually died down, revealing two figures who seemed to be still in their teenage years. Of course, those figures were Grey and Yuna.

"Wh-Who goes there?!" [Guard 1]

Pointing their spears to the youths in front of him, the guard gathered his courage to ask those figures about their identity.

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