Chapter 123: Housewarming!

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"Mmn~! So fluffy~!" [Yuna]

A lengthy squeal resounded in the living room as a silver-haired elf cuddled with four furballs. A smile was plastered on her face as she enjoyed the warmth and comfort provided by them.

The furballs were none other than the familiars which were on their wolf pup forms. Yuna was enjoying a wonderful morning with them in their new home, sprawling on the sofa without much care in the world.

Waking up to an unfamiliar ceiling, in an unfamiliar room, and in an unfamiliar house, Yuna felt a little strange. Add on to the fact that her portrait was displayed parallel to the bed, her energy was quickly drained by embarrassment. She is currently replenishing her energy by cuddling with the familiars.

As for Grey, he was sitting in front of Yuna, painting yet another portrait of her. With his "Divine Mind", it only takes him a single glance to remember a scenery, something like photographic memory. As for the reason he was painting again, nobody other than him knows.

"Hey, Grey... You won't be hanging that in the bedroom, now would you?" [Yuna]

"Hmm... Maybe, maybe not. Who knows, I might display it in the living room this time around." [Grey]

"Geez! Stop teasing me!" [Yuna]

Puffing her cheeks ever so adorably, Yuna protested against Grey as she embraced Sirius tightly. Unfortunately for her, her actions only made Grey want to tease her more. She was just too cute for him.

"Geez... If you're going to display it somewhere, make it so that the people visiting wouldn't see it. Just not in the bedroom... I think that one portrait of me is already enough." [Yuna]

"Yeah, yeah. As you wish, Milady." [Grey]

A soft and gentle smile on his face, Grey continued his careful strokes and soon enough, an almost complete portrait of Yuna was made. It would only take a single glance to know that it was going to be yet another masterpiece.

The colors, not too vibrant nor too dull, created a realistic art with a mix of artistic elements. Grey made sure to emphasize the painting on Yuna, accenting her figure by adding a few elements, such as aesthetic lighting and shadows.

"Ah, right... Grey, about the housewarming tomorrow. Who should we invite? And... do you have any plans already?" [Yuna]

"Isn't it alright to invite everyone we know? As for the plans... There's no need to worry. I already have it covered." [Grey]

"Mnm... Okay, if you say so..." [Yuna]

Not asking any more questions, Yuna continued playing with the fluffy familiars. Meanwhile, Grey continued painting the second portrait, making sure everything was alright and perfect, just like how he sees Yuna.

A few minutes later, the portrait was completed. It showed Yuna in her full glory as how Grey perceived her. There was not a single stroke misplaced nor any elements misused. Overall, it was a great piece.

"What do you think?" [Grey]

"It's beautiful, but for some reason it feels a little embarrassing... Do I really look this beautiful?" [Yuna]

"Nah, not at all. You look even more beautiful." [Grey]

The second. It was the second time Grey said such words to Yuna. The first was when they were still in Moterno when Grey painted the first portrait. Now that they are lovers, his words sounded much more meaningful. Yuna's heart raced even faster than it did before.

Of course, it goes without saying that Yuna's face has become beet red. All she could do was hide behind Grey and cover her embarrassed face with one of the furballs. Unfortunately for her, Grey could easily tell her flustered expression. Both him and the familiars bore witness to Yuna's redness.

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