Chapter 161: Belated Celebrations

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Extermination of goblins, subjugation of forest wolves, collection of Kalkia grass, and escorting of traveling merchants. A number of quests of many varieties could be seen plastered all over the quest boards, with varying rewards matching their difficulties.

Grey and Yuna stood in front of those boards, thinking deeply, both with indecisive expressions brooding over their faces. They looked left, right, up, and down, but their expressions didn't change a single bit.

It has been a couple of weeks since Grey and Yuna visited the church and in that considerable amount of time, their routine has been the same. It was also because of it that Grey has drawn closer to breaking through a higher blacksmith rank.

"There's none, huh..." [Grey]

"Un. None at all..." [Yuna]

A lengthy and disappointed sigh left the mouth of the two as they gave the quest boards a final look. The quests there were just too bland for their taste. Not even one caught their interest as they have done all of them before. It was a routine which had been going on for the past few days.

The most interesting one that they haven't taken yet was bandit subjugation, but that was taken by another party before they even had the chance. It was disappointing but there was nothing they could do with it.


The side door towards the office opened, catching Grey and Yuna's attention. Soon after, two familiar figures walked out of the said door. One was a gray-haired man and the other was a blonde elf. Two people they knew too well.

"Miss Aria! Mister Kris! You're back!" [Yuna]

Those two figures were none other than the newlyweds who had just returned from their honeymoon. Compared to before, they looked more refreshed and happier. They weren't bantering as well which was a nice change of pace.

Excitedly, Yuna rushed towards the two, giving Aria a big and tight embrace. If it weren't for their different hair and eye colors, one could easily mistake them as sisters. After all, not only were they both elves, they were both great beauties as well. Truly a sight to behold.

"Good to see you again, Mister Kris, Miss Aria. It's been some time. So... How was your honeymoon?" [Grey]

"You brat... Do you really have to ask that...? There's this something called 'privacy', you know? You should learn it sometime." [Kris]

An irritated tone came out of Kris' mouth but his lips were arched and he was smiling. He extended his hand towards Grey and the latter replied in kind for a handshake. It may not be as intimate as the girls, but a greeting is still a greeting.

"Anyway, are you two picking a quest or something?" [Kris]

"Well, sort of. But as you can see... There really isn't much to pick from. All that's left are lower ranked quests..." [Grey]

Kris' eyes followed Grey's towards the quest boards, nodding in agreement after a quick scan. Even he, an A-ranker, would find such things quite boring. What more of an S-ranker like Grey and Yuna? It would have been even more boring.

"How about you, Mister Kris? Since you came out from the inner sections, I assume that you were called by the Guildmaster?" [Grey]

"Nah, it's the opposite. We were the ones who headed there to report our return. That old man's gonna scold us if we don't... It's actually quite a pain." [Kris]

"Ahh, you did mention that before... By the way..." [Grey]

Grey was really paying attention to his conversation with Kris, but even then, he couldn't avoid looking at Aria from time to time. Even now, his eyes were locked on her, and Kris' eyes followed suit after him.

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