Chapter 183: Dawn of Destruction (pt. I)

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Black and white. Such was the scenery one could see no matter where they looked. The sky was swallowed in darkness as the night went on, the moon and stars veiled by the clouds. Yet below such darkness, the ground was all white, covered in deep layers of snow and frost.

Engraved in such a scenery, hundreds, if not thousands of footsteps were engraved in the depths of the snow, stretching hundreds of meters beyond the unfathomable horizon. A slithering streak of emptiness.

If one were to follow such footsteps, mysterious figures could be seen. Their bodies cloaked and faces covered in hoods. There were dozens of them, marching in the same direction like a line of ants heading towards their nest.

Their eyes gleamed a sharp and deadly glow, their breaths turning white as they were frozen by the raging snow. It was cold yet none of them shuddered, their hearts burning a fierce passion, a certain resolve engraved deep in their hearts.

Across the dark horizon, a large silhouette could be seen. One might think it would be a hill or just a pile of rocks, but hidden in the darkness was a large entrance, quite a number of guards to be seen, weapons ready to strike.

"Hm? Did you hear somethingー Guwaakk!!"

The night which was only filled with the howling echoes of the raging storm was now mixed with a loud cry. Veiled in the darkness was an iron dagger, heading straight towards the guard's neck, the color red painting the snow.

"I-Intruders!! Defend yourー Ackk!!"

"Ring the bells!"

Chaos descended upon the snowy night, blood spilling everywhere as two groups clashed against one another. Screams and bellows filled the air with each passing second as the snow piled up higher.

A little over a hundred, several dozens, a few dozens. The guards and intruders' numbers dwindled down as the minutes passed. It was a fierce battle, veiled by the fierce howls of the snowy night. It was a nightmare.

"Cough... Cough... You bastards... Do you think... Cough... You'll succeed with... Cough... This farceー Ackk...."

"Man, you talk too much..." [Ijas]

But just like anything else, the bloody battle soon came to an end. The side of the guards was fully decimated, not a single one spared. The only things left of them are their lifeless bodies laying down the bloodied snow.

"Arklen, how many men did we lose?" [High Priest]

"We lost 23, High Priest." [Arklen]

"23... That's unfortunate... Well then, let's keep going. Make sure you drag as many bodies as you can. We'll need them for later." [High Priest]

"By your will." [Arklen]

There was no sympathy in the aged man's voice. He simply turned around and headed towards the dungeon entrance with a calm expression about his face, not sparing a second glance to his fallen comrades.

It wasn't only the High Priest, everyone who was with them only wore empty faces as they looked at the dead bodies of their people, their lifeless bodies dragged inside the dungeon without a shred of sympathy for the dead. Their minds were all focused on their goals, not a single thought hindering them.

The eerie night continued and the sound of footsteps reverberated across the silent dungeons. Such eeriness was enough to swallow anyone's heart with despair, but none of the hooded figures were fazed by such. They only continued treading the silent path.

"Oi, who are you guys?"

"Are you also heading to the thirdー Kuakk!"


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