Chapter 136: Onwards! Once Again!

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"And the key, please." [Kaela]

"Oh, here you go." [Grey]

As per Kaela's request, Grey rummaged through his pocket, finding his key after a short while. He then handed it to Kaela, and the latter, after receiving it, wrote some notes down the register before looking back at Grey and Yuna.

It is the fourth day since their arrival at Torvis, and after staying three nights at the inn, their stay has finally expired. It was time for them to get going and continue their journey towards the wedding's venue.

Their stay has only been a short while, but it was one they could never forget. Well, apart from the sudden dungeon break and monster flood, their experiences in the city of Torvis were quite memorable. They have gained new insights about the vast world called Merusia.

"Hey, did you hear about the masked heroes yesterday?"

"Hahahaha! What are you talking about? If we have! It's been the talk of the town all day yesterday!"

"That's right! And I was lucky enough to witness it! It was super amazing, I tell you, super amazing!"

Compared to the gloomy mood the days before, the inn was enveloped in a much brighter atmosphere. Rather than worries and concerns, all that there is to be heard were laughter and celebrations as they talked about yesterday's happenings.

Rumors about the masked heroes' feats have already spread far and wide throughout the city. There was not a single soul who hadn't yet heard about the overwhelming strength shown by two mysterious figures the day before as they vanquished the monster flood all by themselves.

Of course, the talks about how four majestic platinum-scaled dragons suddenly appeared out of nowhere was also a hot topic, especially since not only those who were on the battlefield, but even the city folks witnessed their marvelous figures.

Unbeknownst to the people talking so merrily, the subject of their topics were none other than the two youths checking out of the inn at the moment. The same two figures whose faces are painted red from embarrassment.

"Mister Shin, Miss Elena, are you alright? You seem a bit... red...?" [Kaela]

"Ah, no... iIt must have been because of the heat. It's quite hot today, isn't it, right, Yuna?" [Grey]

"U-Un... N-Now that you mention it. I do feel like it's getting quite hot." [Yuna]

Grey and Yuna could only smile dryly as they tried to make excuses towards Kaela. On the other hand, the latter couldn't help but tilt her head slightly in confusion. After all, for her, the temperature was just like any normal day's.

In the end, Kaela decided to attribute their different perception in weather to the difference between Galderia and Torvis' topography. Grey and Yuna were able to avoid trouble only by a hair's breadth.

"Well, I guess this would be goodbye, huh..." [Kaela]

Kaela was the one who said those words but the most affected ones were Grey and Yuna. In the short time they stayed at the inn, they have already grown attached to the food there. It was a shame, but they couldn't do much about it.

If there was anything positive, it was that they were able to try new experiences and taste new dishes on their short stay at Torvis. If they have the chance, they would visit the city once again. Of course, they would love it if there weren't any sudden disasters next time.

"Anyway... Thank you for choosing the 'Silver Sky Pavilion'! We wish you a happy journey up ahead!" [Kaela]

"Thank you, Miss Kaela." [Grey]

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