Chapter 127: Gift Selection

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Blue, pink, yellow, white, and many more. Fabrics and cloths of all color and texture filled each and every corner of the store. Even just when viewed from outside, one could already tell how beautiful it was, much less when one gets inside. It was a fantastics place for all textile needs.

In front of such an amazing store, two figures stood motionless as they stared at the establishment before them. Although their eyes were fixed on the store and its products, their minds were on another place.

They were none other than Grey and Yuna who are currently out shopping for what they will be gifting Kris and Aria on their wedding. Going out without much plans in mind, they were at a loss at what to do. Neither of them knew what to buy nor what to do. It was all brought by Grey's thoughtless suggestion.

They were also in their disguises once again. While it was fine to go about normally on the streets, it was different when it came to shopping. Every time they go inside stores, the employees would always become stiff and surprised hence countermeasures were taken.

"Grey... You just wanted a shopping date, didn't you?" [Yuna]

Yuna's questioning stare boring a hole in him, Grey's eyes immediately swam to another direction, scratching his cheeks a little out of guilt. He tried his best to hide it from Yuna, but with how much time they had spent wandering aimlessly, it was bound to be found out.

To start their shopping spree, they headed straight into the market to have a light breakfast. After that, they went around a few places and enjoyed themselves there. In other words, they have only been having fun and have yet to touch the main purpose of their shopping.

"It seems I have been found out, huh..." [Grey]

Grey could only give in to Yuna's stares. Now that he was busted, there wasn't much he could do about it. What was important was that the two of them had fun. It was a successful morning.

"Geez... You should have told me before if you wanted to have a date. It's not like I'm going to say 'no', anyways..." [Yuna]

Mumbled Yuna in a low voice as her cheeks started to burn bright red. She cannot deny that she had a lot of fun. Just spending time together with Grey was enough for her to be happy. If possible, she wanted to go on dates more often.

Of course, Grey felt the same as her. Seeing how cute and adorable his girlfriend was acting, he couldn't help himself but pat her head gently. It was something Yuna liked as well. Her cheeks became more flushed when Grey did so.

"Alight, alright, I'll tell you next time, but... For now, I guess we should head to the "Rabbit's Den" for now, huh?" [Grey]

"Hm? Why so?" [Yuna]

Grey's hand still on top of her head, Yuna tilted her head a little as she wondered about the former's suggestion. She looked so adorable that Grey thought his heart was going to explode because of cuteness overload.

"Well, we need some advice on what to buy for a wedding gift, don't we? I figured Mister Gerd and Missus Selia would know a thing or two." [Grey]

"Ah, I see! That does make sense." [Yuna]

"Right. And while we're at it... should we get ourselves an early lunch as well? I'm getting famished." [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

Happy expressions on their faces and their hands link with one another, their feet finally moved after quite some time of standing still. Their destination was to the southern streets where the "Rabbit's Den" was located.

On the way, they stopped by a couple cafes and pastry shops, buying themselves some sweets and desserts for them to enjoy. They bought quite a lot for the journey ahead and for Gerd and family to taste as well.

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