Chapter 56: Love and Pizzas (pt. III)

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Bulldeer, Cervidian Fowl, Striped Bison, Zebra Crab, and Snapping Lobsters. After hunting down a Bulldeer, Kris and Grey managed to hunt a few other delicacies. It was a good hunt considering it only lasted a few hours.

When the two came back to the mansion, the girls were nowhere to be found. The only ones in the mansion were the servants. Rhodes was enthusiastically waiting in the kitchen for Grey and Kris' return.

After breakfast, Gustav went back to the prison to facilitate the situation and help out Fritz who has been working nonstop. Because of that, the mansion was much quieter and peaceful than usual.

"Lord Grey, is this cooked enough?" [Rhodes]

"Ah, yes. Thank you, Mister Rhodes." [Grey]

"No need to thank me, Lord Grey. I'm also curious about this pizza thing. Rather, it's a pleasure to be learning from you." [Rhodes]

Just as Kris and Grey arrived, Grey was suddenly dragged into the kitchen by the excited Rhodes, leaving behind Kris to his own discretion.

Currently, Rhodes and Grey are preparing the ingredients for the pizza. Rhodes prepared the meat by cutting it into small and thin pieces, and then pre-cooking it. As for Grey, he was creating the tomato sauce for the pizza.

The pizza dough was settled with the use of ready-made dough which was usually used for preparing bread during breakfast. There was quite the surplus from the morning so there was no need to make more.

As Grey tasted the tomato sauce, nostalgic memories from Earth came flooding inside his mind. It was as if he was revisiting the past where he ate spaghetti during his birthdays.

"Perfect..." [Grey]

"Lord Grey, let me have a taste as well." [Rhodes]

"Uh, sure." [Grey]

With Grey's permission, Rhodes grabbed a small spoon, took a little tomato sauce from the pan, and tried out the sauce's taste. When he had a taste of the sauce, for some reason, his eyes widened in shock.

"Lord Grey! This is an amazing creation!" [Rhodes]

Rhodes yelled on the top of his lungs as tears of joy trickled on his face like an uncontrollable flood. His eyes were even sparkling as a large smile extending from ear to ear appeared on his face.

Grey who was witnessing Rhodes' exaggerated expression was filled with confusion, or rather, he didn't know how to react to Rhodes who looked at him as if he was worshiping him.

"Umm... Is it really amazing?  it's just tomato sauce, you know? Is there really a need to act that way?" [Grey]

"It is! This is a revolutionary creation! With this, the world will be able to create new delectable dishes!" [Rhodes]

Rhodes declared with a heart full of excitement and pride. While it was the first time he had tasted the tomato sauce, he could already see the potential within it. He was already excited just imagining the dishes he could create with it.

Back on Earth, there were also quite a number of dishes which used tomato sauce, and its close relative, the tomato paste. The dishes spanned from pasta to a variety of stews and soups.

"Lord Grey, if you will, please teach this humble one how to make this magnificent creation!" [Rhodes]

Out of nowhere, Rhodes pleaded as he prostrated before Grey, making the recipient of his actions feel uncomfortable and awkward as it was the first time he had seen someone beg so passionately to be taught.

After all, to Grey's eyes, tomato sauce is just a common ingredient back on Earth which could easily be purchased in any convenience store. It was also quite easy to make with just the use of a few ingredients.

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