Chapter 182: Cookies, Bread, and Cocoa!

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Piercing cold winds and howling storms. The sun was high, but there was no sign of warmth to be seen. All there was are swirling snow and frozen gales, dominating the horizon with veils of white as the storm brandished its wrath.

It has been two days since the winter festival and everything has been going smoothly so farー or so one would expect. But in an unexpected turn of events, a powerful blizzard is currently raging against the city. Everything is covered in white.

The roofs buried in snow, the windows covered with frost, and the streets hidden by a thick veil of white. No matter where one looked at, there was only snow and frost. Everyone is staying in their homes, and by everyone, Grey and Yuna are included.

Bark Bark Bark

Yelp and whimpers filled the air as six adorable balls of fluff ran around the room. Their little legs swinging back and forth as they went around the place with such glee on their faces. They stumbled, rolled, and jumped about, living their best lives without much care in the world.

"Hngg... Why is it snowing so hard..." [Yuna]

Yet despite the familiars' merry atmosphere, Yuna's expressions couldn't be any different. She was looking at the window, her hands feeling the frost, a gloomy expression painted on her face as she looked at the snow-veiled scenery.

Today was supposed to be the day they go out and explore the city some more. A date only for her and Grey to enjoy alone together. But as luck would have it, such was all but a dream. They couldn't even go outside, let alone enjoy a date.

Sadness still looming over her, Yuna limply walked towards the kitchen where Grey was and gave him a tight hug from behind. Although the latter was surprised, it was only for a mere moment. It wasn't the first time Yuna had done such things, after all.

"Grey, I love you." [Yuna]

"Haha. Are you really that bored that you're such things now?" [Grey]

"Mmn... But I really do love you, though..." [Yuna]

"I know, I know, but you're still bored, aren't you?" [Grey]

There was no response, only silence, but Grey was still smiling. He already knew what the answer was without seeing Yuna's expressions. He simply smiled to himself, continuing to prepare a number of ingredients for later use.

Time passed and Yuna continued clinging on Grey, peeking from time to time and eating bits and pieces sneakily when she could. Though Grey noticed it every time, he simply let her be. He only thought of how adorable his girlfriend was.

Knock Knock Knock

A call came from the doors, resounding ever so clearly in the silent room. There was no need to open the doors, both of them already knew who they were. They were, of course, their neighbors just a couple doors away.

"I'll go get it." [Yuna]

"Alright, thanks." [Grey]

A new sound echoed in the air. Yuna's footsteps accompanied the sound of chopping as she drew nearer the door. She skipped her steps, dancing around like a butterfly in the air, the sound of the tiled floor clacking mixing in the melody.

A resounding creak soon followed after the moment Yuna opened the door, revealing two familiar figures. One was a red-haired beauty with pink eyes while the other was a blonde prince whose eyes gleamed like deep brown zircon. It was Amelia and Julius who also had nothing else to do.

"A delightful morning, Your Highness, My Lady. To what pleasure do I owe you this lovely visit?" [Yuna]

"What's with the sudden formality? Have you eaten anything weird again?" [Julius]

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