Chapter 199: Sweet, Sour, Special Mango Float!

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Lights of gold and white, gracing the verdant trees and neon gardens. The sun now climbing down the sky, step by step as the seconds pass. Peace was all over the place as the afternoon continued to unfold.

Cards of black and red. Four sets of 13, one made of hearts, one of spades, another of clovers, and finally, there were diamonds. Kings, Queens, and Jacks, parading all over them. Two jokers red and black, dancing around. Such was a deck of cards.

Such a beautiful deck of cards was placed upside down, only a red cover to be seen. Face up and face down, they were flipped time and time again as hands reached out to them. Five people taking turns one after another.

"Thish! And... Thish!" [Natalia]

It was the little princess' turn, and after careful consideration, she pointed one card after the other, revealing two sevens, one heart and one diamond. A pair of red was formed, cards taken off the table.

"Yaay~! Nalia shcoresh agaan!" [Natalia]

A cheerful smile soon bloomed as a pair was made, a happy face beaming warmth and joy all over the place. It was a smile which could easily thaw and melt the coldest of hearts into a warm puddle.

The happy little princess then placed her cards down and started picking pairs once again, everyone watching her play ever so happily, reaching out to the cards with her cute little hands. Her thinking face was really adorable, too.

What everyone is playing is the card game "Memory". And since Grey had yet to make a proper and designated deck of cards for the game, they were only using the traditional deck of playing cards, playing in the little princess' room.

The rules were very simple. The players only need to match the same value cards which are of the same color, with exception of the jokers which can only be matched with each other. After one gets it wrong, it would be the next player's turn.

Of course, with their exceptional memory, Grey and Yuna were given a little bit of a handicap. They were only allowed to get three pairs per turn, providing the others a chance to watch and win. It has been a couple games since they started.

"Uuu... Ish wrong..." [Natalia]

The smiling face was no more as soon as the cards the little princess flipped didn't match. But it wasn't in any way a bad turn. In fact, in just that single turn, the little princess managed to make four pairs. Quite a good score if one were to be asked.

"Hmm... The Little Princess' memory's really good, huh..." [Grey]

"Un! She might win this game." [Yuna]

"Fufufu! My daughter's really smart, after all. Mommy's proud of her!" [Natasha]

A happy atmosphere soon loomed over the place as everyone praised the little princess. Even the princess who was dejected a while ago has now brightened up, looking at the cards carefully and remembering where which cards were placed with attentive eyes.

After the little princess, it was Iris' turn. She managed to match three pairs, handing the next turn to the Crown Princess. The game continued and it wasn't long before the game finally ended. As for the victor, it was...

"Waah! I-I won!" [Iris]

"Fufufu! Congratulations, Iris!" [Natasha]

"Hahaha. That was a great game." [Grey]

It was Iris. Though she lagged behind in the beginning, she managed to make a comeback in the later phase. She managed to collect all the remaining pairs in her last turn, scoring one higher than the little princess.

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