Chapter 37: Finally, A Cliché

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A new morning has arrived once again, and even though Moterno was much smaller than Galderia, the bustling of the crowd wasn't any less than the former. They were already busy even though it was still so early in the morning.

"Huwaahh~" [Grey]

And just like when he was still in Galderia, Grey greeted the new morning with a lengthy yawn whilst stretching his arms. His eyes were still half open as he stared blankly at the wall for a few seconds.

"Hmm... I wonder what's for breakfast today..." [Grey]

Grey mumbled in a low voice as he started to get up from the bed. He then continued to prepare himself by bathing, changing clothes, and checking his adventurer equipment. It was time to take a quest after a couple of days.

Knock Knock Knock

After preparing himself, Grey went out of his own room and headed to Yuna's. He knocked a couple of times, but there was no answer. Yuna was still sleeping.

The color of surprise was visible on Grey's face as no answer came after his knocking. After all, Yuna would normally be up at that hour. It was extremely rare for her to wake up late.

Unbeknownst to Grey, after they arrived back at the inn, the words he said to Yuna kept repeating again and again inside her mind like a broken record player. It was the reason why Yuna couldn't sleep early. She was too flustered.

"Yunaー.... Never mind, let's just let her sleep for longer." [Grey]

Grey attempted to knock once again but decided to stop. He wanted Yuna to have a peaceful rest. Grey thought that since she woke up late, she must have been really tired. He was really considerate when it came to Yuna.

Grey then turned around and headed straight to the dining hall. There, he was greeted by Mira who served him breakfast as soon as he requested it. Of course, he also asked for Yuna's share to be prepared.

A little more than 20 minutes after Grey left Yuna to sleep peacefully, Yuna woke up, and, with a panicked face, she prepared herself for the day. Usually, it would take her about half an hour to do so, but today, she did it in less than 15 minutes.

Hurriedly, Yuna came down the stairs with a trace of urgency prevalent on her face. She was really panicking at the thought of being late. She didn't want to trouble Grey because she woke up later.

"G-Grey! I-I'm sorry, I oversleptー !!!" [Yuna]

Yuna apologized to Grey and tried to bow her head, but before she could even do so, Grey immediately stopped her by patting her head out of the blue. It was so sudden, Yuna didn't know how to react.

"Why are you apologizing?" [Grey]

"B-Because I woke up late!" [Yuna]

Yuna retaliated with a troubled look on her face. Grey was still patting her head with his right hand, something Yuna didn't really mind him doing.

"Haah... Look, Yuna... It's alright to wake up late, you know? Even if we're going to do quests today, we can just do it at our own pace. You don't have force yourself, okay?" [Grey]

"B-Butー" [Yuna]

"No buts! That is my order as the party leader and my request to you as your partner and friend!" [Grey]

Grey declared boisterously with a stern expression. Yuna wanted to retaliate but she had no way to do so. All of Grey's points were valid.

With the end of Iblis, Yuna has no more reason to push herself too much. While she could train and work hard if she wanted to, Grey didn't want her happiness to be affected negatively. It was the one thing he won't compromise on.

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