Chapter 164: In the Capital, Again

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"Yuna, did you prepare the lunchbox already?" [Grey]

"Un! I've also included some snacks for the journey." [Yuna]

"Ah! How about soaps and shampoos? Your toothbrush? No, actually, are you sure there isn't anything you forgot?" [Grey]

"No, there isn't. Grey, you worry too much..." [Yuna]

"I'm just making sure everything's alright. It would be bothersome if we forgot something, after all." [Grey]

Hustle, rustle, and bustle. It was still early in the morning yet Grey and Yuna were already busy. Meals, necessities, and things of all sorts were prepared for their upcoming journey towards the Labyrinth of Flames.

Even though it has only been two days since they've decided to go, everything was all ready. They have said their goodbyes, bought all which needed to be bought, and of course, finished all their quests from their respective guilds. All that was needed was to head there.

"Alright, let's go!" [Grey]

"Un!" [Yuna]

Their passions through the roof, Grey and Yuna headed outside, locked their gates and set off to the great beyond. They passed through the gates and headed towards the dense woods to summon Sirius once more.

The wind howled and the forest growled. Soon enough, a platinum streak soared towards the vast sky of blue and white, her eyes as clear as the morning dew sticking on the verdant blades of grass, dropping on the wet ground.

Now, Sirius was even faster than before. Bursts of winds greeted her as he darted through the clouds, but she didn't slow down a single bit. She continued to fly, freely and swiftly like a raging storm. Not a single thing could stand in her way. Now, she was the undisputed ruler of the sky.

But their destination wasn't straight up north, rather, it was northwest. They weren't heading straight towards the Labyrinth of Flames, but the royal capital which wasn't as far off. There was something which needed to be done first.

Yesterday, as they said their temporary goodbyes to the guild, in an unexpected turn of events, the Guildmaster asked them to deliver a package to the royal capital's branch. They don't know what was inside the package, but it was easy to guess that it was full of documents or something of the sort.

Of course, it wasn't just because of the task that they are heading to the capital. They are also looking forward to seeing everyone again after a couple of months. There's also the fact that there's a lot of snacks and sweets to buy there, something Yuna especially looked forward to.

"Waah~! I wonder how everyone's doing!" [Yuna]

"Yuna, really you... You should be more careful, you might fall off with how energetic you are..." [Grey]

"Teehee, sorry!" [Yuna]

Yuna apologized but she didn't look sorry at all with such a large smile on her face. She was swaying her body side to side like an excited child hiding a merry-go-round for the first time. She was just too energetic.

An unfading smile on Yuna's face, the journey continued and after a few hours, they finally arrived in the capital. A long journey which usually takes about two weeks was shortened dozens of times. It was all thanks to Sirius' incredible speed and stamina.

As usual, there was a long line in front of the gates. It wasn't even the busy hours yet it was already comparable to Galderia's long lines. The royal capital really deserves its title as the busiest city in the whole kingdom. It was only to be expected with its overwhelming size and population.

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