Chapter 187: Mega Flood (pt. III)

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Clack Crack Clang Crackle

The sound of bones moving and rotating about, the sounds of bones breaking, the sound of metals ringing as the pieces struck one another, and the sound of flames burning fiercely. Such a cacophony echoed in the snowy landscape.

It was fortunate that the skeletons did not possess any vocal cords, otherwise, loud screams would have pierced through everyone's ears as they writhe in excruciating pain and agony as golden chains bound them and golden spikes pierced through them, rendering them unable to move.

Not even the Skeleton Tyrant whom Grey and the others struggled against could save itself from the trap. With the nature of the array, it was the one which suffered the most, bound by thousands of chains and impaled by thousands of spikes.

"Damn... What a powerful array..." [Fizzel]

Cold sweat trickling down his forehead, Fizzel could only smile wryly as he looked at how the enemies suffered before the indescribable array before him. As he watched them burn in the flames of holy light, he could only laugh at their previous efforts.

Undead monsters... One of the five types of monsters than can be found in Merusia along with "Warriors" like goblins and orcs, "Elementals" like golems and treats, "Demonic Beasts", and lastly, "Demons".

They are monsters which resemble the dead or that of ghosts or souls which people believe to be remnants of the departed. Amongst the monsters, they would be the ones one would easily think of when the word "nightmare" is mentioned.

And just like the other types of monsters, they also have their fair shares of strengths and weaknesses. In fact, all undead monsters share two features with each other. That which relied on the time of the day and the magic used.

While the undead retains their strength at night, during the day, they can only muster about 70% of their strength. On the other hand, when there is a new moon when the world is at its darkest, their power increases to 150%. It was a relief that the latter didn't occur during the battle.

In addition, the undead are also weak against light and holy magic, and in relation to that, that means that they are strong towards dark and curse magic. It was the reason why healers and priests, practitioners of holy magic, are crucial to fighting them,

Not only was the sun still up in the sky, the array was also a combination of both light and holy magic. All weaknesses of the undead stacked upon one another, there was only so much the skeleton army could do.

"Don't let the chance slip by! Attack!" [Reisner]

"Knights, heed our Lord's command! Destroy the enemies!"

"Everyone, charge! Don't let a single one survive!"

The Lord on the lead, the knights and anventures flooded the still incapacitated army of skeletons with a goal of destroying them. Loud roars and battlecries resounding all over the fields as they charged through.

Warmages and warriors in the front, mages and support in the rear, and the magic devices on the side, the enemies have now way of escaping. Blades, spells, and arts rained down upon the army of the dead, eliminating them hundreds at a time.

Clack Clack Whooonngggg

"Not on my watch! 《Soaring Falcon's Echo》!" [Reisner]

The Skeleton Generals and Skeleton Kings tried to attack from the sky, but with a single, powerful thrust on the Lord's sword, all the attacks were canceled, taking down a couple enemies from the sky at the same time.

Normally, it would have been impossible for the Lord to cancel S-rank enemies' attacks, but with them in such a weakened state, such impossibility was now more. Not to mention he was also receiving buffs from the array. He had never felt so powerful.

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