Chapter 111: Presents

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Cling Cling Cling

Soft and gentle chimes echoed throughout the silent air, accompanied by the mild creaking of the door and the regular clacking of footsteps. A soft cacophony of noises greeted two figures as they stepped foot outside once again.

A couple of days have passed since the founding festival, and with the efforts made by the kingdom, repairs have started and the people have been compensated. It was lucky that there were no casualties amongst the citizens and only the properties needed to be paid.

While the populace was in great panic during the attack, they quickly recovered after hearing that everything was over. Some were skeptical, but after seeing the mess of dead beasts outside the western gates, those doubts were quickly erased.

Rather than be scared and blame the kingdom's incapabilities, the opposite happened. The populace felt rather safe knowing that the kingdom had the ability to defend against such a large-scale attack. It was the difference in mentality between people of Earth and Merusia.

"Grey, was that all we needed to buy?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, there shouldn't be any more we're missing." [Grey]

Currently, Grey and Yuna have spent the whole day shopping for souvenirs they are going to bring home to Galderia. They have already bought food, sweets, a few accessories, and even cooking utensils for Selia and Gerd's use.

As one would expect, after their powerful demonstration a couple of days before, they once again needed to wear cloaks to hide their identities. Although it was quite a tiring situation, they couldn't do anything about it.

Grey and Yuna are only waiting for the transaction regarding the materials to be processed. It was only a couple more days away as hundreds of capable hands were already at site, dismantling the beasts with the best of their abilities. Not to mention the few hundred more who are handling the data and statistics.

If all is done and finished, they would then bid the royal capital farewell and return to Galderia. While their days in the royal capital were fun, they also wanted to go back to their daily lives where they didn't have to wear cloaks.

"Elise, how about here?" [Elaine]

A familiar voice rang inside Grey and Yuna's ears as two beautiful figures came into view, looking at the shop windows they passed by. They were still wearing their uniforms as they had just been dismissed from their classes.

Those two figures were none other than the cousins Elise and Elaine, whose heads were looking in all directions as if they were searching for something. It was already late in the afternoon yet neither of them had gone home nor looked like they were planning to do so anytime soon.

"Are you two out shopping, too?" [Yuna]

""Eeekkk!!"" [Elise and Elaine]

Before they could even notice, Yuna had already appeared behind their backs. As soon her voice suddenly resounded in their ears, both Elise and Elaine jolted as they experienced quite the shock. They felt like their hearts jumped out of their chests.

"Y-Yuna?!" [Elaine]

"Geez! Don't scare us like that!" [Elise]

"Sorry, sorry, I wasn't trying to surprise you." [Yuna]

Elize and Elaine retorted as they tried to calm themselves down. Their hearts even raced a little bit from how much surprise they felt from hearing Yuna's voice all of the sudden. They also noticed Grey following behind Yuna as they breathed in and out.

"So... Back to my question. Are you shopping right now?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, we're trying to find a good present." [Elise]

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