Chapter 106: The Founding Festival (pt. V)

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Narrow, dark, and void of people. In a small and hidden alleyway, there were barely any sounds to be heard and living things to be seen. The only where light shines from was from the top of the buildings.

Tap Tap Tap

The silent sound of footsteps echoed throughout the dark alleyway, filling the empty alleyway with a little bit of life. The one who was producing such sounds was a man draped by a dark hood, silent as the dead as he walked.

Suddenly, the man stopped. He looked left and right time and time again before proceeding to go on. Although his face was covered with a hood, caution was evident from his movements alone.

Knock Knock

Two short knocks replaced the sound of footsteps when the man stopped once again in front of a certain door. The man then whispered a few inaudible words and soon after, a creaking sound followed as the door opened.

Inside the room were more hooded figures gathered inside a small room, serious expressions painted on their faces. There were only a few figures, centered on a large man who was apparent to be the leader.

"Are you sure you weren't followed?" [Leader]

"That's impossible. I made sure to be extra careful." [Minion 1]

"Good. Then we shall proceed with the plan." [Leader]

The other figures nodded their heads with the leader's words. Their expressions have become even darker and more serious as a gloomy and suffocating atmosphere swallowed the room whole.

The ones present in the room were none other than a few of the remaining members of Iblis. With their headquarters destroyed, they are now seeking revenge on the kingdom, ready to sacrifice their lives for their cause.

Long before people even started to enter the royal capital for the founding festival, they had already started executing their grand plan. They planted countless devices all over the city for the sale of revenge.

More than a month ago, they intentionally sacrificed some of their members to attack the Royal Academy, taking that time of chaos as a chance to infiltrate the royal capital without no one knowing.

Their rage even burnt hotter as they learnt that the ones responsible for destroying their headquarters were present in the capital. Although it would be a disadvantage that more powerful people are now in the capital, it was also a chance to wipe out their enemies all at once.

They have already sacrificed too much for the sake of revenge. It was too late to back out now that they have come so far. All their hearts wished for was the ruin of the kingdom and its people.

"Oh, right. About what I tasked you, what are the results?" [Leader]

"It's...." [Minion 1]

The man gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist, clearly infuriated about the current situation. His exaggerated reaction made the others anxious and confused at the same time.

"Have you gone mute? Why aren't you answering?" [Leader]

"S.... S-rankers, two of them... Amongst the heroes, two of them were S-rankers. I believe they will be our biggest obstacles." [Minion 1]

Chaos descended upon the room as soon as the man uttered those words. All that was present now wore faces of disbelief and fear as their discord spread even deeper. The only one who remained calm was their leader.

The leader was also a little shaken from hearing the man's words, but he did not let it show on his face. He needed to remain calm and collected to maintain order amongst the remaining members.

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