Chapter 101: A Troublesome Party (pt. II)

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Silver chandeliers illuminating the hall, the large windows displaying the beautiful scenery of the night, the instruments creating harmonious melodies, and exquisite dishes arranged in an orderly manner. Such was the main hall.

Be it sight, hearing, or whatever senses one uses, there was an aura of gaudiness no matter where one stands. Not only the hall, the people inside the hall also wore similarly grandiose and gaudy clothing and accessories.

In such a grand hall, there stood two young people who caught many of the other's attention. It was not only because of their ranks and accomplishments, but because of their natural beauty. They are without a doubt amongst the best in terms of appearance amongst the participants.

Those two people were none other than Grey and Yuna, and currently, the both of them are...

"It's Marquess Beldon." [Vanessa]


... in a state of mild confusion from Vanessa's unexpected statement. They couldn't help themselves but give a short and confused response.

While it was true that many nobles had greeted them after the King's introduction, Marquess Beldon didn't look like them. He wasn't waiting just for an idle chat and a merry greeting.

Marquess Beldon had a serious and gloomy atmosphere looming upon him. It was as if he was in a serious predicament that could turn his life for the worse if something was to go wrong.

"Beldon... A relative of my student,,,?" [Yuna]

"That's right. If I remember correctly, his son should be studying in the Royal Academy. I think his name was George." [Vanessa]

"George... The one with the bad attitude, right?" [Grey]

"Un. That's the one." [Yuna]

The student's name being mentioned, Grey reminisced about their first day in the academy. He could still remember the face Geroge made when he saw Yuna freeze the training grounds. It was really pale.

George was the reason why Grey became a little anxious. He was anxious about what Yuna would do if he were to piss her off. Thankfully, no such events occurred and their days as instructors went off without a hitch.

If there was something notable about him, it was that his Beldon household had been involved with a member of Iblis. They were victims who were about to be used for Iblis' goals.

Grey and Yuna couldn't help but wonder what Marquess Beldon wanted from them. They have heard from the Headmaster that he was a reasonable person, but they still didn't want to deal with it, especially if it was going to be troublesome.

『Grey, what do you think?』 [Yuna]

『I don't know... It doesn't seem like he's bearing any ill intent.』 [Grey]

『Uuu... I just wanted to drink my juice. Is that too much to ask?』 [Yuna]

『Now, now, don't get too upset. I'll make you some when we get back.』 [Grey]

『Really?! Yay~! Thank you, Grey!』 [Yuna]

Their expressions unchanging, Grey and Yuna engaged in a telepathic conversation as they shared their opinions about Marquess Beldon who was still sitting quietly, waiting for their response.

"Everyone, please have your drinks, Yuna and I will just have a chat with Marquess Beldon for a little bit." [Grey]

"We'll be back in a while." [Yuna]

"Thank you for the drinks, Grey and Yuna." [Vanessa]

"Yeah, thanks." [Kris]

After placing the glasses of drinks on top of the table, Yuna and Grey then slowly walked their way towards Marquess Beldon's table. The very moment the latter noticed their approach, he calmly stood up and...

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