Chapter 105: The Founding Festival (pt. IV)

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Green, blue, red, yellow, and many more. No matter where one looks, each scenery was filled with vibrant and lively colors. The noise blanketing the whole carnival was just as lively.

Currently, the five girls, Yuna, Eliza, Elise, Elaine, and Amelia, are traversing a large and lush maze in the carnival. But no matter how large it was, it was nothing compared to the training grounds of the Royal Academy.

The maze's hedges were more than 3 meters tall, preventing even the tallest people from cheating. All one could rely on was their luck, intuition, and memory to clear the maze within the allotted 10 minutes.

What was supposed to be a date for Grey and Yuna had turned into a group outing, with five more people going to the carnival with them. It also just so happened that all of those who joined in were children of nobility, with one of them even being a prince.

Driven by the carnival's events, everyone all decided to play a game where they need to collect the most stamps within two hours in order to win, bringing them to the current situation.

"We're finally out!" [Elaine]

"That was fun!" [Eliza]

"Congratulations on completing the maze! Here are your stamps!"

After successfully getting out of the maze, a carnival staff greeted the five girls with a blooming smile on her face and presented each of them with a stamp, proof that they have completed the maze.

Each stamp had a unique design patterned to each of the games and attractions they are awarded to. Only those who complete the list of 27 stamps can win the grand prize. One which many people look forward to every year.

"Yay! We got our 5th one! Only 22 more to go!" [Eliza]

Upon receiving the stamp the staff handed to her, like a child that she was, Eliza hopped happily with an excited smile plastered on her face. Seeing her act like that, the other four couldn't help but indulge in her cute expressions.

If one were to describe the current scene, the four older girls would look like fathers fawning over their cute daughter, though in the current scenario, rather than fathers, it would be better to say older sisters fawning over their little sister.

While Eliza was only Elise's little sister, Yuna, Elaine, and even Amelia also treated her the same way, and in return, Eliza also treated the three of them the same with her real older sister. It was a mutual relationship.

"Then, Liz, where do you want to go next?" [Amelia]

"Umm..." [Eliza]

Upon hearing Amelia's question, Eliza quickly pondered seriously as she looked at a map of the carnival printed over the flyer handed to them by the entrance. She looked very serious as she was doing so.

But rather than getting a serious atmosphere from her, all Yuna was able to feel was a warm and fluffy feeling from watching her. Not only her, but the other three also felt the same way.

It was not the first time Eliza picked the next destination. In fact, all the games they have played were chosen by her. They don't even care about the competition anymore, they just wanted to indulge in her cuteness.

"Let's go here!" [Eliza]

Eliza excitedly pointed at one of the game attractions in the map. She was enjoying herself to the max. Her bright expression was enough to outshine even the sun itself as she wore a little angel's smile.

"Hm? Isn't that the shooting range?" [Yuna]

"Have you tried it before, Yuna?" [Elise]

"Un. I have..." [Yuna]

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