Chapter 75: Date (pt. I)

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"Uwaaahh~" [Grey]

A lengthy and audible yawn drifted in the air as Grey stretched his arms boldly towards the ceiling. It was yet another new day and thanks to the comfortable bed, he was able to get a good night's sleep.

Yesterday, after their audience with the king and the signing of contracts, Grey, along with Yuna, was dragged by Vanessa into their mansion. There, she kept asking him to make pizza for her. Luckily, Ranzel was there to keep her in check.

Although what happened was quite hectic, to Grey and Yuna, it was still fun spending time with Kurt, Vanessa, and Ranzel, whom they had just met. It was quite a fulfilling day even when everything that happened was outside their expectations.

Though, after their return to the Aldridge mansion, they once again played with the children and cooked dinner. It drained them a lot of their energy and exhausted them quite greatly. Thankfully, the bed was there to heal their fatigue.

"Mnmmn..." [Yuna]

As Grey stretched his arms, beside him, Yuna was mumbling in her sleep like a little child. Even when she was sleeping and her hair was a mess, she still looked so cute that Grey had a hard time stopping himself from kissing her.

Trying to ignore Yuna's cuteness, Grey left the bed and headed to the near desk, grabbing a sheet of paper and a pencil by the drawer. He then sat down on the chair and started to mull over something.

Since it was their third day in the capital, Grey wanted to plan a date for him and Yuna to enjoy. He was enthusiastic at first, but immediately became gloomy when he realized the problem. He didn't know where is where in the capital.

Rustle Rustle

Just as Grey despaired over his plan, a soft and gentle rustling sound echoed inside his ears, coming from the bed. Yuna had just woken up and she was currently rubbing her eyes in an adorable manner.

"Good morning." [Grey]

"Mnm... Mowingg~..." [Yuna]

Yuna responded while she yawned silently and then walked groggily towards Grey. The moment Grey was within her grasp, she clumsily hugged him and held him as tight as he could. She was acting clingy again now that they were alone together.

"Hmn...? What's that?" [Yuna]

"A date plan, or so it should be, but... I don't know where the landmarks and good dating spots in the capital are. Sorry." [Grey]

"Why are you apologizing, silly? Wouldn't it be more exciting if we add a little bit of adventure in our date?" [Yuna]

Said Yuna as she grabbed the pencil in Grey's hands and placed it down the desk. She then continued to grab the piece of paper and clumsily threw it into the air. She was still half-asleep.

"Mnm... I'm already satisfied knowing that you were planning for one. I'm really lucky to have such a thoughtful boyfriend." [Yuna]

Yuna continued with her eyes closed as she placed her head on Grey's shoulders, hogging him even tighter. At that point Grey doesn't know if she was fully awake already or not, but he was still happy with her words.

"Well, I'm also lucky to have such a cute and considerate girlfriend." [Grey]

"Mmm... Then how about cooking curry for your cute and considerate girlfriー" [Yuna]


Not having the chance to finish her sentence, a sudden growl from her stomach interrupted her words, making her fully awake. Her face then started to turn red as she was embarrassed by her stomach growling.

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