Chapter 112: Eliza's Birthday!

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"Make sure to remember and give these presents to Liz, okay?" [Veronica]

"Umm!" [Galvin]

To his mother's words, Galvin answered very enthusiastically. By his side, his older brother, Elnart, just nodded quietly as he held on to the presents their mother was referring to.

A few hours had passed since Grey slept. Although it was only for a couple of hours, it was the best sleep Grey had gotten for a very long time. It was one which restored his energy to the max. He felt like he could work continuously for days to come.

The extreme fatigue that Grey felt was burdening him had been completely washed away as if it was never even there to begin with. It was nothing short of a miracle. The miraculous power of a girlfriend's lap pillow, or so Grey thought.

After waking up, Grey, along with Yuna, quickly fixed themselves and dressed up for the occasion. Not only them, Elnart and Galvinhad also done their best and wore formal attires which looked adorable for their small figures.

With the sky starting to turn amber, it was time to attend Eliza's little birthday party. The most excited one was of course none other than Galvin who couldn't contain his excitement any longer.

While Cedric and Veronica could not attend the party, Galvin and Elnart could. The presents Veronica had prepared were to be given by Galvin and Elnart, hence Galvin's excitement. He was looking forward to giving the present he had to Eliza whom he looked up to as an older sister.

'"Now, now, say goodbye to your parents. It's time to head to the party," [Yuna]

"Um! Bye~!" [Galvin]

"See you later, Mother, Father." [Elnart]

"Yes, yes, see you later. Have fun at the party~!" [Veronica]

As Veronica and Cedric waved their hands goodbye, they saw their children slowly disappear beyond the horizon. Both were wearing smiles on their faces as they headed back inside the mansion together.

Excitement evident on his face, Galvin skipped along the streets as they headed tk the Landevar residence. He was very energetic that Yuna had to hold one of his hands just to make sure he wouldn't just wander anywhere.

It didn't take long before Grey, Yuna, and the children arrived at the Landevar mansion. The venue of the party was the spacious banquet hall in which the attendees were already mingling with one another.

There weren't many people to be seen. Only a few close acquaintances, the servant, and some figures Grey and Yuna didn't expect to show up. It was Julius and Amelia who had been invited by Elise when they were at the academy.

As one would expect, the servants acted somewhat stiff with their present. After all, they were the second prince and a duke's daughter. Thankfully, Elise and Elaine were there to become a bridge for them and the other attendees.

"Elder Brother Grey, Elder Sister Yuna! Elnart and Galvin, too!" [Eliza]

Eliza quickly rushed to them as soon as she saw them. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress and looked like a proper lady for once. Though, because of how energetic she was, Grey and Yuna couldn't think of her as a lady at all.

"Are we late?" [Grey]

"No, not at all! You arrived just in time! The banquet is just about to start!" [Eliza]

Music filled the hall as Eliza said those words. One after another, chefs went inside the hall and food was quickly displayed on the large serving tables by the side of the hall. Needless to say, every dish served was high-class.

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