Chapter 141: Life as it is (pt. II)

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The sun was high up in the sky, its gentle sunlight beating towards the vast plains, the high mountains, the dense forests, and everything it could touch, and illuminating the world as it should.

It was almost noon yet there was no harsh heat to be felt. The only things to notice were the gentleness of the wind and earthy scent from the solid ground along with the calming scents of nature and flowers drifting in the air.

In a certain vineyard, under the shade of a large tree, two figures could be seen sitting on a bench by the water fountain, far away from everyone else. They were sitting so calmly, listening to the silent symphony of nature accompanied with the distant laughers and chatters.

The two figures were none other than Grey and Yuna. They had just finished playing and splashing around with one another and had just dried themselves. Currently, they are resting on the benches, enjoying their sweet time together, a little exhausted from their own shenanigans.

Initially, they were going to help out with making lunch, but when they offered their help, the others simply told them to just relax and enjoy themselves, hence their current situation. Somehow, although it was relaxing, it felt strange being treated so luxuriously as guests.

Now, Yuna was leaning her head on the Grey's shoulder, holding his hand tightly, playing with his fingers from time to time, and looking at the difference between his and hers with eyes full of warmth and curiosity.

"Grey, your hands sure are big, aren't they?" [Yuna]

"Well, I'm a man, after all." [Grey]

"Mmn... But my hands are so small and thin... I wonder what it feels like to have big hands like yours..." [Yuna]

There was a certain curiosity revolving around Yuna's mind as she pressed her open palm against Grey's. She was trying to compare the difference between the two with her pure and innocent eyes staring so intently.

Grey doesn't know why Yuna was acting like such, but he found her actions cute and adorable like a little child trying things out for the first time. He was silently chuckling to himself as he continued to observe his girlfriend's peculiar behavior.

"I'm also curious, but... I'd rather have Yuna stay the way she is. I really love those little hands of yours," [Grey]

"Really?" [Yuna]

"Yeah. Especially when they're holding mine like this. They're soft, warm, and cute. Just like you are." [Grey]

Rose-tinted cheeks and a flustered smile were visible on Yuna's face at Grey's words. Even though it wasn't the first time Grey had complimented her like that, she couldn't help but have her heart racing madly.

Time passed and the flirting continued. Luckily, Grey and Yuna were alone together, a little bit of distance away from the others. Otherwise, it would have been much too embarrassing for the both of them to act like what they are currently doing.

"Big Bro, Big Sis, I haven't seen you before. Where did you come from?" [???]

Out of the blue, a little child suddenly approached the two of them. It was only a single child at first, but after some time passed, more children followed and gathered around them like a curious crowd of small children.

Luckily, Grey and Yuna's flirting wasn't as much as before. Now, they are simply holding hands and resting their time away together. Otherwise, they would have been embarrassed being spotted out in the open, and by innocent children at that. There will surely be questions flying here and there.

"We came from outside the village, far, far away outside the forest." [Yuna]

"Waah~! Outside the forest!" [???]

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