Chapter 71: Bandits and Arrival

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The crackling of the campfire, the rustling of the leaves, the silent howling of the wind and the periodic chirping of the birds and insects, together with the subtle light from the sunrise and disappearance of the stars, brought about a beautiful and harmonious orchestra as the world was filled with colors and music.

"Fuwaahh~" [Galvin]

Galvin's quite yet lengthy yawn mixed with the forest's symphony as he greeted the new morning along with his older brother who was gently rubbing his eyes. Both were still sleepy as they walked out of the tents, groggily.

"Good morning, Elnart, Galvin. Would you two like a glass of milk?" [Yuna]

Yuna had already woken up before them and was tending to the fire with Grey by her side. As she said those words to the children, she grabbed two glasses and filled it with milk for the two to enjoy.

Even when he has not had a wink of sleep, Grey was still in his top condition. It was quite the refreshing night for him to observe the world after the sunset. It was empty yet not empty. An enigma which shows the other side of the world, a side which is just as beautiful as daytime.

After their morning greeting, the four of them shortly had their lunch. Thankfully, the children did not notice the change in scenery so there wasn't anything to cover up. Everything went smoother than Grey had initially planned.

Soon after breakfast finished, it was time to take off to the skies once again. Just like the day before, Grey summoned their familiars and four magnificent pegasi came forth from his shadows.

『Good Morning, Master, Mistress. We'll be serving you for today.』 [Kentaurus]

『We'll make sure you'll have a smooth ride.』 [Arcturus]

『Un! We'll be in your care.』 [Yuna]

As agreed before, Kentaurus and Arcturus will be taking over the mount duty for the second day. They couldn't be any happier to show off their capabilities to their masters as such a chance was rare to come by.

With just a single flap of their wings, the familiars already rose up more than 10 meters from the ground. A few more flapping later, they have risen to the altitude where birds flew freely. They were ready to take the skies once again.

The journey went smoothly. Galvin and Elnart looked at the scenery excitedly, Grey and Yuna watched over them, the familiars stood guard for any dangers, it was just like yesterday. Well, it was a smooth ride, until...

"Hm?" [Grey]

"Is something wrong, Grey?" [Yuna]

"Yeah." [Grey]

... just a few hundred meters away, Grey noticed a carriage surrounded by two groups of people. The two groups were unmistakably composed of knights and bandits, fighting one another.

『Yuna, can you take care of the kids for a while? I noticed some bandits attacking a carriage. I'll go help them out. I promise this won't take long.』 [Grey]

『Un. Take care.』 [Yuna]

When he heard Yuna's response, Grey hastily jumped from the back of Kentaurus and landed on the ground. While he jumped down from more than a kilometer high, Grey was perfectly fine. He had wind magic to thank for his soft landing.

As for the confused Elnart who was left behind, Yuna carefully brought him to her side and had him ride Arcturus along with her and Galvin. Even with extra weight added, Arcturus was not affected at all. To him, it was only as if an extra feather was added to his load.

Soon after, Yuna commanded the familiars to gently land down in the nearby woods, just directly below where Grey jumped off. With her capabilities, she managed to calm down the children and answer their inquiries without much trouble.

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