Chapter 47: The Letter

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The night was quiet and peaceful as the town's residents had gone into slumber. Only in the pubs and inns were there noise as the adventurers and jolly people alike merrily enjoyed the quiet time of the night.

Another thing which stood out from the rest was a large establishment which oozed out an aura of grandiosity and intimidation. It was a large building which was also known as the largest mercantile establishment in the town, the Goldstone Company!

Gloom and deafening silence loomed over the top floor of the company's building as a man seriously furrowed his brows with a serious look on his face. Irked veins could be seen popping in his head as he continued to forrow.


The shattering of a wine glass was the one which broke the deafening silence. The furrowing man threw it into the wall as his anger reached his limit. He was cleaning his fist tightly as his blood continued to boil.

"What's taking them so long!?" [Algerio]

The owner of the voice was Goldstone Company's President, Algerio. He was a man in his forties with a large stomach. He is known throughout the town for his endless greed and wicked personality.

While he could be considered capable as a merchant, his personality as a person was amongst the worst there was. Many wanted to retaliate, but with Algerio's power and connections, there was only so much they could do.

Even the town lord who was the most influential and authoritative figure in the territory is having a hard time making him confess to his crimes. He was a cautious person who works cleanly and only trusts a couple of people.

The reason for his rage was simple. It was because no matter how many days have passed, the mercenaries he had hired from a dark guild have still yet to complete their task. No, rather, they have yet to submit even a single report.

Previously, he had sent out some of his men to abduct the lord's daughter, but they ultimately failed because of a pair of strangers. What's worse was that the lord had even hired those strangers as bodyguards for his daughter.

Because of that, he turned to the mercenaries known in the underworld, hoping they would get the job done. But there's still no news from them.

He wanted to think that they had run away with the money he paid them, but after considering their reputation, he highly doubted that it was the case. There was a detail  he had missed.

Knock Knock Knock

Just as Algerio was thinking hard about what could have happened with the mercenaries he hired, there was a sudden knock on the door. The one knocking was his butler whom he trusted the most.

"How was it?" [Algerio]

Algerio asked his butler as he walked in. The latter walked inside with a calm and composed expression on his face, contrary to the irritated and hateful expression Algerio was wearing.

He had asked to investigate the strangers who helped the lord's daughter for a few days. It was apparent that the investigation had concluded with his butler's entrance.

"The strangers arrived at Moterno more than two weeks ago. From what I've learnt, the apparent reason for their visit is the opening of the Labyrinth of Death which they will be participating in. One of them was a female elven youth while the other was a male human youth, and.... They are both B-rankers." [Butler]

"B-rank?!" [Algerio]

A surprised voice echoed throughout the once silent room as Algerio heard the results of his butler's investigation. With that piece of information, he finally understood why there hasn't been any news yet.

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