Chapter 6: Getting Stronger

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The dark and gloomy days have passed and the sun has started to illuminate the world once again. The girl who had barely eaten a bite was now happily eating every dish that was given to her. It was a joyous occasion.

After the girl's suicide attempt, she had bawled her eyes out for a couple of hours before falling asleep on Grey's shoulder. To let her sleep peacefully, Grey moved her to his bedroom and laid her down on the bed. As for Grey, he just grabbed a futon and slept on the floor.

The day after, the girl apologized to Grey with a flustered face which seemed much healthier than before. Her eyes which were once very dull also showed its true colors like deep blue diamonds shining under the light of the stars. Her voice which can barely be heard became a smooth melody which harmonizes with the wind. Most importantly, her pale complexion had become a little bit healthier.

Naturally, what came after that was an introduction of the two to each other. And as he already knew the girl's name, he couldn't help but feel guilty about taking a peek without permission.

With the passing of time, the girl eventually recovered her healthy constitution and was once again able to smile like a normal girl. While some may doubt if it was a real smile, Grey who possesses "Judgement" knew that it was a sincere one.

The days passed by and it has been almost a week since Grey had rescued the elven girl who was named "Yuna" was able to go outside on her own once again, but the moment she went outside, she had burned Grey with a troublesome request.

"Umm, so what you're saying is... you want to train in both spells and arts. Did I hear that right?" [Grey]

Doubting his ears, Grey checked again and again if Yuna really requested to be trained in magic, and in response to Grey's question, she just nodded silently and enthusiastically.

Yuna's request was something that Grey could do easily as he just needs to give her instructions based on the knowledge he received. While he'll have less time in the dungeon if Yuna needs to train alone, he could still improve his skills on aspects other than battling. There really wasn't a large drawback, the only problem was if it was the right thing to do.

Another thing to note was Yuna's objective. The day after Yuna had started to eat once again, Grey had told her his hypothesis about how someone deliberately brought ruin to the village. To his surprise, although there were little traces of shock, Yuna was calm and collected after she heard Grey's words.

Now, Grey is worried why Yuna wants to suddenly get stronger? Was it to extract revenge? Was it to vent out her frustrations? Or was it solely for self-improvement? Grey didn't know.

"Why?" [Grey]

"What do you mean "why"?" [Yuna]

"I meant... Why... Why do you want to get stronger?" [Grey]

To Grey's question, Yuna fell into silence. Although she was trying to hide it, Grey could easily notice her trembling slightly.

"Do you remember what you told me before? About the destruction of the village... you said that someone might be behind it. That's why I want to get stronger so that I can make that someone pay for what they did." [Yuna]

'So it was for revenge after aー' [Grey]

"Also, I don't want to lose anyone anymore. That's why I will become strong so that I can protect those who are precious to me." [Yuna]

Before Grey could finish his thoughts, Yuna cut in and continued her reasoning. It was such pure reasoning that it made Grey show a smile of relief.

'I see... So she's "that" kind of character' [Grey]

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