Chapter 9: The City of Galderia

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Spanning more than a hundred meters in length, a long line of people and carriages could be seen going towards the gates of the city. It was a line of inspection which was quite common in every settlement.

For the first time in 3 long years, Grey was finally able to see civilization. He was so moved by such a reminiscent scene became quite emotional to the point where he might have cried had he traveled alone.

Life inside the forest was refreshing and calming, but something about human nature just made Grey long to live in a society. Especially since he was a ban who was born and died in a bustling city.

Like a line of ants, the line moved with the passing of every second. And as the two moved further to the front, they soon realized that they lacked something needed to enter a town or city.

An ID!

"Grey, are you sure this will work out?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, just trust me. I got this." [Grey]

Grey confidently responded to Yuna, backed up with a bright smile and a large thumbs up. But in reality, Grey was actually nervous too about his plan.

From the knowledge God imprinted into his "Memory Bank", one could enter a city with a temporary ID card made by the guards. As long as one pays a toll and doesn't have a criminal record, they can freely go inside any town or city.

In Merusia, an ID card is something one should always have with them all the time. It allows passage to towns and cities, it is needed in doing transactions, and in some cases, it can be used as some sort of debit card.

Unlike Earth, ID cards in Merusia contains magical properties. One of which is its ability to recognize its owner by their mana signature. The moment the owner's mana flows into the card, the card in question glows dimly, making it a strong proof of the legitimacy of one's identity.

There are two types of ID cards, a citizen card and a guild card. The citizen card is issued by the government in recognition to its citizens while the guild card is issued by either of the 5 guilds, one of which is the Adventurer's Guild. There are some differences on how the two are used but both are mainly for proof of one's identity.

As to why there is an inspection of ID cards, it is because ID cards can record one's criminal records. And as the ID card only responds to the owner, criminals have no way of faking their identities.

Those who will be caught stealing or using other people's cards without permission are subject to punishment. A law which is only viable because of the unique mana signature of each person.

"Your cards please." [Guard]

Time passed and it was Yuna and Grey's turn for the inspection. The two looked calm on the outside, but inside, their hearts were about to burst out from their chests from how nervous they were.

"Actually, we don't have one yet. We came from a faraway village so we didn't have a chance to get one issued." [Grey]

Betting everything on that single, Grey started praying to every God he knew inside his mind. He was so nervous, he even prayed to the Gods which only existed on animated TV shows.

"A faraway village, huh..." [Guard]

The guard looked at the two with eyes filled with suspicion as held his chin up as if he was thinking of something. Actions which made Yuna feel like her soul had left her body.

"Yeah, it was located deep inside the Haltea Great Forest." [Grey]

"Eh?! That forest?! I did hear that there were villages in there, but to think they really were true. It must have been hard traveling all the way here, huh?" [Guard]

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