Chapter 81: End of the First Day

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Donggggg Donggggg Donggggg

A deep resonant sound echoed throughout the whole academy and into the vast blue sky. The noises have settled down and the students have started to disperse.mIt was already late in the afternoon, and the time to go home has arrived.

"Alright, that will be all for today. Any questions?" [Grey]

"None~" "None!" "Nothing."

Answering Grey's question, the voices of the students overlapped with one another's. The way they expressed their answers were varying but they were similar in essence. All were evidently excited to go home.

Even though Grey put them through the wringer in the morning, the students just got along with him during the afternoon. His teaching style and new theories were something which captured the students' attention.

The students also learnt about spiritual energy, which other than Grey and Yuna, Eliza was the only other person to know. Linking the relationship of spiritual energy and mana to that of magnets, the students were able to get a tighter grasp on mana than they previously had.

"Then you're all dismissed. See you again tomorrow." [Grey]

"Bye, Instructor~" "See you tomorrow, Instructor." "Bye~!"

Upon being dismissed, everyone in the classroom stood up and left energetically with smiles blooming on their faces. Well everyone except Julius and Amelia who was waiting for Grey to clean up.

The three have gotten closer after the lunch they had together. Julius and Amelia had also stopped addressing Grey and Yuna as "Instructor" when they were not in class. The same went for Elise and Elaine.

It was also revealed during their lunch that Julius and Amelia were actually engaged to one another. Amelia came from the Redlocke Ducal household so it wasn't strange that they have that sort of relationship.

Thriving in an aristocratic society, political marriage between nobles isn't uncommon in Merusia. But even though they were tied into a political marriage at first, Julius and Amelia are lovers through and through, just as intimate as Grey and Yuna when the two of them are alone together.

"Grey, wanna go home with us?" [Julius]

"I'd like to but I still have reports to make. Also... wouldn't you hate it when other people tag along on your way home together with your fiancée?" [Grey]

"Hey! I'm not that petty!" [Julius]

Julius lashed out on Grey with a flustered face. As for Amelia, she was bright red and was as acting shy as Yuna when she was also embarrassed, not being able to deny Grey's words.

"Sure, sure, you aren't. Anyway, like I said, I really can't do that right now. I still have to meet with the Headmaster and report about today's events." [Grey]

"Haaah... Such a shame... Then, we'll be going first. Bye~." [Julius]

"See you tomorrow, Grey." [Amelia]

"Yeah, take care." [Grey]

After bidding their farewells, Julius and Amelia slowly exited the room and headed to wherever they were going to head, leaving Grey alone to check the documents and make sure everything was accounted for.

As for Julius and Amelia, they were actually going to head home at first, but after Grey declined their offers, they then decided to head to the carnival to have some fun. It was, of course, Julius' idea, but that's a story for another day.

After closing up the classroom, Grey then headed to Yuna's assigned class to get her. There, he saw her chatting friendly with Elise and Elaine, as if they were in their own world. A girl's world that is.

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