Chapter 162: Settling Down

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Flip Crumple Sip

A certain figure could be seen relaxing down the couch, drinking coffee whilst reading the newspaper. The figure, adorned with black hair and eyes the color of gold, was as calm as one can be, his eyes speeding through the pages.

New products and trends, trade, new laws, and things of such nature. All kinds of news could be read in the papers. There was little to none in ways of entertainment, but he still continued reading the same, once again taking a sip of his coffee.

Clack Clack Clack

A couple moments later, the sound of footsteps echoed across the house, filling the silent air with noise, adding life to the atmosphere. Another man, hair the color of ash and eyes of deep violet, came down the stairs, still a little groggy.

"Yo, Grey! Morning!" [Kris]

"Yeah, morning... How was your night?" [Grey]

"It was great. The bed was soft and warm and there the room smelled nice too. Did you put air fresheners there?" [Kris]

"Hmm... Not really, it's probably from the garden outside... Well, as long as you're happy, then that's good to know." [Grey]

Said Grey as he headed towards the kitchen, getting a mug of his own and brewing his own coffee. After his cup, he grabbed another cup, filled it with some cocoa powder, hot water, and fresh milk, creating chocolate milk for Yuna to enjoy later. Putting a bit of sugar just to be sure.

After the celebration yesterday, Grey and Yuna offered the married couple a place to stay since their inn was still under renovation. They refused at first, but after much insistence from the former two, they finally gave up and accepted their offer, to Grey and Yuna's delight.

And since they were on the topic, it was also settled that Kris and Aria would be buying a property and furniture for the day. Now that they're married, it was time for them to quit the inns and finally settle down.

"Oh, right... I'm just asking out of concern but... Mister Kris, you didn't dirty the blankets, didn't you?" [Grey]

"Hm? What do youー Oi, you bastard! What do you think of us?! We won't do such things in someone else's house!" [Kris]

An enraged outburst came out of Kris' mouth as he answered Grey's question. After all, no matter how passionate he was with Aria, it was still too shameful to do such acts in other people's residence. Especially when they are just staying over.

"I was just asking... I would have burnt the bedding and blankets if it was the case. But thankfully, it seems like there's no need to." [Grey]

"You bastard... Then couldn't I ask you the same? Must have been frustrating trying to hold back with other people around, wasn't it?" [Kris]

"Hey, we still have our dignity! What kind of psychopaths would do it when guests are present?!" [Grey]

"Ha! You could have just set a sound-proof barrier for all I know!" [Kris]

It was still early in the morning and the two were already bickering, a complete contrast of their behaviors the day before. Thankfully, there wasn't another person around to hear their words. After all, the topic was quite... vulgar...

The argument only heated up with time and the two crossed lines which shouldn't have been crossed. Their words became more and more uncensored the further they delved into their argument. They were two engaged with their pointless quarrel that they didn't notice what was around them.

"Must be nice being newlyweds, isn'tー Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" [Grey]

"You cheap bastard! Is that all you canー Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" [Kris]

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