Chapter 137: A Peaceful Forest

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The scent of leaves and flowers filled the air, colors dull and vibrant could be found everywhere, and the chirping of the birds echoed across the forest as they flew and danced freely in the vast sky, landing from branch to branch to rest and pick fruits with their little beaks.

The morning was still young and as the sun climbed the sky, its gentle and warm light showered the forests, mountains, and rivers in its grasp, prompting them to wake and greet a new day, a peaceful day.

Surrounded by the lush and dense forest, a figure stood still as he moved his hands back and forth, chopping down vegetables and meat with every stroke of his knife. It was none other than Grey who was preparing breakfast.

It was a strange sight. Despite being in the middle of nowhere, there was a stove, a large table, and even an oven to be seen. It was as if there was just a magical kitchen which popped out in the middle of nowhere. Truly a sight to behold.

"Hmm... Needs little more salt..." [Grey]

Mumbled Grey as he had a taste of the stew he was cooking. It was a fairly simple one, only made of a couple vegetables and some small pieces of meat, diced up into biteable pieces. Even then, it was a delicious one on top of being filling.

It was not the only thing Grey cooked. He had already prepared a couple more dishes for a varied and balanced meal. There were pork chops, omelettes, vegetable salad. grilled fish, and some vegetable soup. Of course, Grey didn't forget to prepare rice, several large bowls at that.

It has been a few days since Grey and Yuna departed from Torvis, and after hours upon hours of flight, they have finally arrived at the forest where Aria's home village was located.

Since Aria's directions entailed landmarks which are covered by the forest's canopy and could only seen on the ground, the two had no choice but to keep walking from the forest's entrance on out,

"Mnm. That's good." [Grey]

Letting the stew simmer and cook, Grey headed back to the tent to wake up a sleeping angel. It was none other than Yuna who was still sound asleep, her hair messy as one can be yet managing to still look adorable in Grey's eyes.

Despite being boyfriend and girlfriend, Grey couldn't help but feel from time to time that he and Yuna are more like parent and child. Just him waking her up in the morning made him remember his school days when his own mother would always wake him up.

"Rise and shine, sleepyhead." [Grey]

Gently, Grey patred Yuna's shoulders to wake the latter up, but her only response was to grumble a little before wearing again a peaceful look on her face. It was then that Grey once again confirmed they really looked like parent and child.

Grey tried to wake Yuna again and again but each time was a failure. Yuna was just too deep in her sleep and the reason was none other than Grey himself. And it's not because of their nightly activities, not at all. It was because of something entirely else.

Using her favor, Yuna asked Grey to teach her more about enchanting. And being the spartan teacher that he was, Grey worked Yuna to the bone until she got everything correct. Yuna, who was just a Tier-3 enchanter a few days ago, is now at Tier-4. Nevertheless, it was very tiring.

Thinking back once again about what happened during the past few days, Grey felt a little guilty about overworking his girlfriend. He swore to make it up to her by cooking her delicious meals and spoiling her rotten. Now, he really felt like a doting father rather than a devoted boyfriend.

"Haah... It's hopeless. She just won't wakeー" [Grey]

Just when Grey was about to give up, a devious idea entered his mind. It was a common scene which he saw many times over the fairy tale movies he watched when he was just a child. After all, there was only one way to wake up a sleeping princess.

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