Chapter 149: Mystical Blossoms

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Rubies, emeralds, sapphires, opals, and many more. The flowers were like jewels under the midday sun. Though they couldn't gleam under the shimmering sunlight, they shine just as brightly and beautifully.

With the butterflies, bees, and all sorts of colorful bugs dancing in the air, the scenery only became more beautiful. It was one where people would feel both relaxation and comfort just seeing the magnificent sight alone.

The garden was already before, but after its destruction, like a phoenix, reborn from the ashes of death, the garden grew even more colorful and vibrant. It was a paradise unlike any other and second to none. A true heaven.

"Mama! Look! A butterfly!"

"Waah~! So pretty!"

Of course, the same went with the villagers of the Malus village. The anxiety, gloom, and all those dark emotions they once felt was now nowhere to be found. They have been buried by the garden's beauty and grandiose, never to be seen again.

Grey, on the other hand, was now sitting under the shade of the Tree of Life. He had just escaped from the villagers' very wam gratitude and was now resting himself, his eyes gently closedー or so, how it would seem.

『So, uhh... What's your name again?』 [Grey]

『I bear no name, Holy One. Kindly refer to me as you please.』 [???]

『Then, since you're a Leifdorn Oak, are you fine with "Leif". It feels a little awkward referring to you without a name.』 [Grey]

『I am more than honored, Holy One.』 [Leif]

Currently, Grey is talking to the Tree of Life. At first, he thought he was going crazy, but after checking again and again, he determined that the tree really was talking to him. And strangely enough, he was the only one who could hear its voice.

The only reason Grey could only think of was that Leif was no longer classified as a normal plant, but rather a "Magic Plant". The catalyst of such a transformation was, of course, his very own blood. Still, it felt strange for him, talking to a tree, literally.

Magic plants, like the name suggests, are plants which could utilize mana. In a sense, they are like the plant versions of beasts which are animals which could freely unitize the mana in their bodies.

While all plants have mana in them, only those which can actively utilize it can be called magic plants. The "Kalkia Grass", although widely used in magic potions and alchemy, is only a plant. It only possesses mana but can't use it.

Before, the Tree of Life can only process mana for its growth and vitality, using them as nutrients. Although its fruits and leaves have amazing properties, it can't actively use mana for itself, thus it was only a "Plant" and not a "Magic Plant".

Magic plants are those on which can actively spit out fire as a defense mechanism or alter the surroundings to fit their needs. They are even rarer than beasts, and are thus, much more valuable. They are also the main ingredients of high-level alchemy.

Even then, Grey has never seen nor heard of a magic plant which possessed true sentience. As far as he was concerned, the Tree of Life in front of him was the first. Not only is it aware of its surroundings, it could also converse like intelligent life forms.

『Then Leif... Can you explain to me this "Holy One" deal? It's been bothering for quite a while now.』 [Grey]

『Hm? Is there any reason for it? The Holy One is the Holy One. It has always been like that and will always be.』 [Leif]

Grey was a little baffled at Leif's answer. The question which has been bothering him since was easily dismissed as if it was just a trivial matter. The way Leif explained it also sounded as if they were explaining something obvious.

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