Chapter 153: Celebration! (pt. II)

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Gloom, despair, and terror. There are only these three things as if the world was about to end. Such an atmosphere loomed over a certain figure as his heart was swallowed by darkness. Darkness which is even darker than the abyss itself.

Contrary to the festive and happy celebration, Falroe's expression couldn't be any darker. There were tears in the corner of his eyes as he clenched his fist, trembling a little and not uttering even a single word. It was as if he wanted to disappear entirely.

"Umm, Missus Valka... What's wrong with Mister Falroe?" [Yuna]

"Well, you see..." [Valka]

Valka did not say any more, she simply glanced at a certain direction, prompting Grey and Yuna to follow. There, they saw Reina happily talking and laughing with a young elven man with such bright glee on her face. It was then that they understood what was happening,

Today, his older daughter had just gotten married, and now, his younger daughter was starting a new relationship with a man. As a father, there was no greater despair than seeing his daughters getting taken away from him. There was no greater pain.

"My babies... Why is this happening...? First, Aria, and now, even Reina?! Why?! Just why, Dear God?! Why have you forsaken me?!" [Falroe]

Shout as mighty as he can, but there wouldn't be any answer. Not only does a God not usually reply to the mortals, the very God of Merusia had literally left for a higher plane. Grey could only smile wryly, knowing such a fact.

Falroe's overdramatic outburst continued and the rest decided to just ignore him and leave him be. It wasn't the first time it had happened. When Aria got in a relationship with Kris, he also cried just as loudly. It was the usual.

Valka leading them, the others went up the stage where their seats were, grabbing wine glasses along the way. Wine was then poured on each of their glasses and the attendees followed suit, grabbing their cups and filling them with various wines which suited their tastes.

"Everyone, thank you for attending on this important day of our lives. We couldn't be any happier to see you with such bright faces on this day..." [Kris]

As Kris told his speech, there weren't any other noises to be heard. Everyone listened attentively as the groom gave his gratitude to those who attended, swirling his glass subtly and glancing at Aria from time to time.

"Well, I don't want to keep blabbering and keep you on waiting. All of you already know how happy I am... I'm just a simple man, after all." [Kris]

Unlike the previous speeches, Kris' current speech was more casual and friendly. It was as if he was just talking to his close friends. It made the villagers laugh and smile as they continued to listen.

"Then everyone, without further ado, let's enjoy the rest of the day and cheers to a happy life!" [Kris]

"""To a happy life!!""


"""To Kris and Little Aria!"""

Kris raised his wine glass and made a toast with Aria, clings and twings softly echoing everywhere as they drank the wine. The people responded and loud cheers filled the air. It was the start of the true celebration.

With the toast finished, the served dishes were opened one after another, white, hot steam rising to the sky as the hot dishes were revealed. Everyone's mood quickly improved by leaps and bounds as the magnificent and mouthwatering sight was revealed before them.

People quickly lined up at the serving tables and the food quickly decreased with each person lining up. Still, it didn't make much of a difference since the amount of food served was just as stupendous as the amount of people present.

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