Chapter 148: Transformation

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Concealed within dark and heavy mist wafting in the air, red orbs glowed with high intensity, eyes which could carve deep fear with a single glance. It gleamed and it shone, getting redder and redder by the moment. Redness like blood spilled in a fierce battlefield.

The ground rumbled and the leaves rustled, the feeling of ominousness growing bigger and stronger like waves in the ocean during a raging storm, merciless, cruel, domineering, and terrorizing. Those who gazed at it would feel like they are dragged deep into the abyss.


A loud roar and sharp shriek resounded soon after as two familiar figures rose from the dead, its fangs, claws, and talons sharper than ever and their bodies clad in corruption, exuding the feeling of doom to those nearby.

Kris who was stronger than them before was now completely overwhelmed. He couldn't fathom how powerful the enemies had become and his body started to tremble before he even noticed it. His instincts were screaming danger at him.

Kris wasn't wrong and he wasn't the only one surprised either. Everyone present was in a state of shock as they witnessed such a scene before them. Especially Grey, he was the one who knew the most what was happening.

'Impossible...' [Grey]

The beings before them were no longer what they used to be. They are now demonic beasts who have been tainted by corruption. It was the first time Grey was witnessing a beast turning into a demonic one. A marvelous yet terrifying sight.

Grey could only think of one reason why such a transformation occurred. It was because of their consumption of the corruption the tree was absorbing and processing. His theory was on point.

Thanks to the corruption cladding and enhancing their bodies, the beasts which were just at the lower ranks of A-rank were now at S-rank! Other than Grey, Yuna, and Sirius, all it would take is a single hit for the others to get their lives in danger.

"Mister Kris, Miss Aria, please head away right now. Things could get dangerous at any moment!" [Grey]

"Ughh... Dammit..." [Kris]

"Grey, Yuna, please take care of yourselves." [Aria]

"Un! We'll make sure to do so!" [Yuna]

Hesitation deep in their hearts, Kris and Aria fell back outside the barrier where the guards and the others were. Instinctively, their familiars also fell back and guarded the entrance with their bodies, leaving the Tree of Life to the others.

While all of them wanted to  help out, with the way they are, they would only be a liability for those who are going to fight. Whilst the beasts were still transforming, the roles of Dianthus and the others were left to Grey and Yuna's familiars.

One might think that it would be more efficient to take care of the beasts while they are still transforming, and that is correct. The problem is the corruption surrounding the beasts, if one gets caught up in it, they might get swallowed. It was best to defeat them after they finished transforming.

"Polaris! Come forth!" [Grey]

"As you command!" [Polaris]

A resonant voice dominated the area loud and clear. Soon after, a massive figure came out of nowhere accompanied with a booming roar, its eyes gleaming brightly like amethyst under the moonlight. A deep and beautiful color.

Despite being hundreds of kilometers away, at Eliza's side, all it took was a single call and he was there. A magnificent figure whose strength was on par with its master. Grey and Yuna's strongest familiar has arrived. Polaris is here!

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