Chapter 170: A Promise to a Princess

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It was a beautiful morning. The sun was shining brightly up in the sky, only slightly dotted by the passing clouds. It wasn't too hot nor too cold, and the wind was gentle and refreshing. Everything was perfect.

It has been a couple of days since Grey and Yuna have enjoyed the day with Vanessa and the princesses. And ever since then, a lot of things have happened. Thankfully, the making of a new national holiday was not one of them. The Queen and the Crown Princess managed stop the King and Crown Prince's idiotic proposition.

But what did happen was that Grey and Yuna were able to promote their ranks in their respective guilds. Grey managed to get his Tier-7 Blacksmith guild card, while Yuna got her Tier-7 Alchemist guild card. It was good progress.

Other than that, they spent the days playing with Iris and the little princess, and also being bothered by Vanessa. And just like Eliza, the little princess has easily gotten attached to them. Now, they found themselves in quite a difficult situation.

"No! Shtay! Shtay wif Nalia!"  [Natalia]

The day of departure has arrived, and it is still early in the morning yet there is already a loud commotion in the royal castle. The little princess was refusing to let go of Yuna, tears trickling down her small face.

She was hugging Yuna's right leg tightly, not tempted even by sweets and promises the others offered. It was only to be expected of a two-year-old child. No matter how good of a child the little princess was, there are still things children refuse to do.

"Now, now, Big Sis and Big Bro will be visiting Princess Natalia every now and then. We're not going to part forever."  [Yuna]

"Big Sis is right. And we'll also be bringing delicious treats every time. We'll be eating together, alright?"  [Grey]

"Oh, will you be bringing treats for us, too?"  [Ernes]

"Respectfully, please shut up, Your Majesty."  [Grey]

The little princess' stubbornness wasn't the only problem. There was also the sudden interruption of the King from time to time, which only irritated Grey and Yuna. The Queen always scolds him but he never learns his lesson.

Ever since the difficulties they experienced because of the King's thoughtlessness, Grey and Yuna saw the King as less of a monarch and more of just an annoying old man. While they do still pay respect to him, it is at times such as these that they always snap back at him without fail.

"No! Sthay! Pway wif Nalia!"  [Natalia]

It was useless. No matter how much Grey and Yuna try to convince her, the little princess just wouldn't budge. There was one time where she let go of them, but it was only so she could switch from hugging Grey to Yuna. The person had changed, but the situation stayed the same. It was really useless.

There weren't any options left. They have used everything they could but the little princess was just too stubborn. Not even the Crown Princess could convince her. There was also the Crown Prince, but just like his father, he was a lost cause too.

"Hey, Natalia, Grey and Yuna aren't the only ones going away, you know? Uncle's also going with them. Why don't you come here and give me a hug?"  [Julius]

"Uuu... Uncewl, go! Yuna, Gey, shtay!"  [Natalia]

The sound of glass shattering echoed in the air, or rather, Julius' heart was broken to pieces with the little princess' words. He was frozen in shock, unable to respond as his mind stopped working.

It hasn't even been that long since Grey and Yuna met her, yet the little princess already prefers them over him, her very own uncle. His mind floated in space, in the void of nothingness, the deepest depths of the abyss. He was in despair.

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