Chapter 29: Raid (pt. II)

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Dimly lit corridors with heights easily surpassing 10 meters and a width which is double the height. It gave off a dwarfing sensation to the people who traversed the eerie and repetitive path.

As Grey tread along the corridors, he couldn't help but think how much work it had taken to create such humongous tunnels. It was clear that it was designed in such a way that even large beasts would have no problem running freely.

Along the way, Grey and Kurt have killed countless more members of Iblis. Whether it be beasts or people, none stood a chance when the two brandished their weapons. Swing after swing, lives were lost.

While guilt has tried to creep inside Grey's heart, his hatred for them was much stronger. Even if he were to have a chance to choose another path, he would once again walk a bloody one and dirty his hands just as he did before.

Thud Thud Rumble

A heavy sound permeated the ground and echoed throughout the walls as if large elephants conducting a stampede. It was vivid enough that Grey and Kurt had to halt their steps and be put on guard.


Following the rumbling, a loud screech echoed throughout the stagnant air. They were like trumpets which announced the advent of destruction and ruin. A cry of intimidation which ate away the courage of those who heard them.

The owner of the screech was not one nor two, but three large and gruesome beasts which Grey had to words to describe as. If there was one word fitting for them, then it would be "abomination". It will only take a single glance for a normal person to shake in fear from their presence.

A face and body composed of multiple creatures stitched together. Limbs which clearly came from different owners. Some were that of a wolf's, some were from a bovine, and there were even scaled ones. Lastly, it had the wing of a bird and a bat. Truly a disturbing sight to behold.

Not only in appearance, their sizes were also intimidating. By rough estimate, they were easily 3 meters in height and had a wingspan close to 10 meters. It could easily swallow a full-grown man in a single bite.

《Appraisal》 [Grey]


【Demonic Beast】

【Status】Healthy, Stable

【Mana Capacity】3,223      【Mana Quality】C
【Combat Power】1,058      【Threat Level】B

A man-made creature made from combining the body parts of different beasts into one. It took countless beasts and countless lives during the process of its creation. Its sole purpose is to serve its master and bring ruin to the obstacles in its way.


Demonic Beasts. If monsters are creatures which are born from mana, then demonic beasts are born from beasts who have been corrupted from mana. After becoming one, the beasts lose their sanity and attack anything discriminately. It wouldn't even be an exaggeration to say that they can be considered as "monsters".

Similarly, people also turn into demons if they are corrupted by mana, but with the amount of intelligence people have, demons are a very rare case which only happens in grave accidents. But demons would be a story for another day.

Like pieces of a puzzle fitting with one another, Grey finally understood what Iblis was trying to accomplish. They were trying to make an army of beasts that would obey all of their biddings.

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