Chapter 114: Steamy Steamed Fried Rice!

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Clack Clang Creak

North, east, south,west. The sound of a bustling morning echoed throughout the city with the rise of a new day. Stores have opened up and customers have poured in. It was going to be yet another busy day.

Different from the chirping of the birds or the flapping of curtains what they would usually hear when he was back in the Aldridge mansion, what greeted Grey now was much more chaotic, yet strangely enough, it was calming to listen to.

As Grey looked outside the window, rather than a large, luxurious garden, what he saw was a busy street full of people and carriages passing by. It was much livelier than the streets outside the noble's district of the royal capital.

"Mmm,.. Grey..." [Yuna]

Of course, the sound of the busy city was not the only thing which welcomed Grey in the morning. A more adorable sound, or so to say, Yuna's adorable morning voice called out to him as he stood by the window.

As Grey turned around, what he saw was a sleepy Yuna who could barely open her eyes, stretching her arms open towards him. Surprisingly, even when she was still sleepy, her arms were straight and firm.

"Hug... Give me a hug..." [Yuna]

"Yeah, yeah, coming." [Grey]

As per Yuna's request, Grey approached her slowly, sat on the bed and gave her a tight hug, or rather, Yuna was the one who gave him a tight hug. Yuna embraced Grey while leaning her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeats.

Yuna was once again in her spoiled child mode. Since Grey and her usually helped out in the kitchen back at the Aldridge mansion, she couldn't really do such a thing so often. She is catching up to all the times she missed hence the increase in her clinginess and neediness.

"Grey... Cuddle..." [Yuna]

"No, Yuna... We still have to get up..." [Grey]

"No! Cuddle with me!" [Yuna]

There was no escape. Grey wanted to start the day already but Yuna had other plans. Her embrace only became tighter, not wanting to let go of him. Her sleepy face was gone. All that was left was a pouting one.

"Haah... Alright, but only for a couple of minutes, okay?" [Grey]

And as one would suspect, Grey didn't even put up a fight. As soon as he saw Yuna's adorable pouting face, he knew it was going to be a losing battle. He didn't retaliate any more ang gave in to Yuna's demands.

A smile quickly bloomed afloat Yuna's face as she lay back down on the bed, Grey in her embrace. She was like a spoiled kindergartner who didn't want to let go of their stuffed toy even for a single second.

It took a few minutes before Yuna became satisfied with cuddling and let go of Grey. After their sweet time together, they both cleaned themselves with magic and readied themselves for the day

If there was one thing Grey and Yuna missed in living inside mansions, it was that they had their own private baths. To both of them, while cleaning with magic was very effective, it was also really unsatisfactory.

"Right, Yuna... What would you like for breakfast?" [Grey]

"Hm? Didn't we pay for our stay with breakfast included?" [Yuna]

"Ah..." [Grey]

It was only then that Grey once again realized they were back at the Rabbit's Den. He had grown accustomed to cooking their own breakfast back at the royal capital that he instinctively asked Yuna without much thought.

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