Chapter 194: Dominator of Flames (pt. I)

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Scarlet red door laced with black and gold engravings and topaz flames burning ever so calmly by the door frames. In a fiery landscape riddled with veins upon veins and pools upon pools of lava, they were doors one would call the entrance to hell.

Top it off with the charred grounds, the erupting geysers from time to time, and the suffocating eerie atmosphere about the place. Just the mere sight of the humongous doors is more than enough to make one feel humbled.

"Ahh... How intimidating..." [Grey]

Even Grey who would now qualify for the top ten strongest in the world couldn't help but feel intimidated just by standing in front of it. His hands were trembling on their own, his whole body instinctively warning him to abandon thought of continuing and run away immediately.

A couple weeks had passed since Grey reached Calamity-Class, and it was now the estimated last day of the Labyrinth. Taking such a possibility into account, he headed alone to the deepest depths and towards the boss room, Polaris sent back to where Yuna and the others were.

It has been several minutes since he arrived at the end of the Labyrinth and he was still frozen, his eyes locked on the doors before him, hesitation sprouting in his heart along with his instinctive impulses.

He hasn't even entered the room yet but his life has already started flashing before his eyes. His past life, his current life, all the adventures he did, and Yuna. It was as if he was actually dying. A wry smile was plastered on his face.

"Yeah... Let's stop thinking of such thoughts already..." [Grey]

Well, even if he wanted to run, he would still need to do such things in the near future. There was no use escaping. It was better to have himself get familiar with such intense pressure.

『Grey, are you free right now?』 [Yuna]

Just as Grey was steeling his resolve, a familiar beautiful voice came ringing inside his head. It was none other than his beloved Yuna who he dearly misses.

『Yeah, I'm free. Why?』 [Grey]

『Umm... You see... I heard from Polaris that you'll be fighting the boss today... Is that true?』 [Yuna]

It was only telepathy, but Grey could clearly feel the shakiness in Yuna's words. She tried to hide but having known her for three years already, Grey could easily tell what she was feeling. Her worry was clear as day.

Grey purposely hasn't told her his plans since he knew she would worry. It completely slipped his mind that Yuna was also Polaris' Master. Even if he asked him not to tell her, the latter would have no choice but answer honestly. He was a little stumped.

『Well, yeah... But don't worry, I promise I'll retreat immediately as soon as it gets dangerous. You can count on my word.』 [Grey]

『I see... That's good to hear...』 [Yuna]

Or so she said, but there were still traces of anxiety evident in her thoughts. Not only that, there was also disappointment and helplessness from her inability to help Grey. A thought which kept revolving inside her mind.

Well, it's not like Grey couldn't understand her feelings as he too would feel such emotions if Yuna were to decide to do something dangerous. Now, he is even more determined to get back safe and hug her tightly afterwards.

『Right, by the way, how is everyone doing?』 [Grey]

『Oh, we're doing fine. Julius and Amelia's are doing much better than before. And Vega is still causing mischief every time she gets the chance to.』 [Yuna]

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