Chapter 151: Hearts and Souls

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"Mister Kris, you alright?" [Grey]

"A-Ah, y-yeah... I-I'm fine..." [Kris]

Or so he said, but from head to toe, every inch and fiber of his body was trembling uncontrollably. Was he nervous? No, not at all. Calling it "nervous" would just be an extreme understatement. His anxiety levels were so high, he felt like dying.

Tomorrow has arrived and the afternoon sun has once again graced the world with its light and warmth. With it was the long awaited day where Kris and Aria's souls will finally become one. It was the day of their wedding.

While Kris was extremely happy, he was just as nervous as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest at any given moment. His expressions getting paler and paler by the moment, making Grey and Zeke who were with him to be extremely worried.

Since it was the day of the wedding, it was only Grey and Zeke with Kris at the moment. The ladies were with the bride, Aria, whilst Falroe, being the Chief, was already on the altar. Needless to say, it was quite the task for the two to calm down the groom before them.

"Mister Kris, do you need some water?" [Grey]

"Y-Yeah, that w-would be great. Th-Thanks..." [Kris]

While it was Grey who offered it, seeing how much Kris' hands were trembling, he couldn't help but rethink his decisions. After all, it would be a waste if Kris' clothes got ruined because of a small mistake. His worries only grew with time.


A snappy sound echoed in everyone's ears all of a sudden. Because they were too focused on Kris, they didn't notice Rozelia approaching them. They only noticed when Rozelia's hands already left a mark on Kris' back. It was quite an amazing slap.

"Agh! What the f*ck?!" [Kris]

Cursed Kris with a loud voice as he received the sudden slap. It was not that he was hurt, no, not at all. It would even barely qualify as a sting. He was just so surprised that he subconsciously cursed without meaning to.

In the first place, Rozelia was supposed to be with Aria, but for reasons unknown to those present, she was now there with them. There was no way they wouldn't be surprised at her sudden arrival.

"Kris, watch your language. There are kids listening." [Rozelia]

"S-Sorry, Missus Rozelia. It's just that I'm so nervous right now..." [Kris]

"Nervous? Who is?" [Rozelia]

"Me... Look, even my hands are... trem... bling..." [Kris]

Kris raised his hand to show Rozleia, but there wasn't any shaking to be seen. He was so surprised from Rozelia's sudden slap that his nervousness was gone before he even noticed it. It was an eccentric but effective remedy.

With a hint of puzzlement on his face, Kris looked at Rozelia for an answer, but the latter only smiled in response. There were no more words needed to be said. It was only natural for her to help him out. After all, he was going to be her nephew-in-law.

"Hohoho, looks like you're all ready. Why don't we head to the wedding now? I'm sure everybody's waiting." [Rozelia]

As casual as ever, Rozelia invited the three to the wedding venue whilst laughing ever so enthusiastically. The first one to head out was Zeke, followed by Grey, and lastly, the groom, Kris.

"Missus Rozelia, thank you..." [Kris]

"Hohoho, I don't know what you're talking about. But what I do know is that you should be calling me 'Aunt Lia' next time. Good luck, Kris!" [Rozelia]

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