Chapter 17: Irritation

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The night had come and darkness had enveloped the world once again, but despite the looming darkness, like stars in a lonely night, hundreds of lanterns illuminated the plains as people traveled towards the village.

Leading the people were Grey and Yuna. They had just returned from the Orc Horde extermination special quest. And behind them are the people which once lived in the village ravaged by orcs.

Seeing such a strange spectacle at night, the guards were alarmed and rallied below the gates, ready to intercept the source of the lights if they were to be enemies.

"Huh, aren't those...!" [Dale]

Thankfully, there was one person amongst the guards who recognized Grey and Yuna. It was Dale, the guard who granted them temporary ID cards on their first day in the city.

"Dale, you know them?" [???]

"Y-Yes Sir, they are rookie adventurers who just arrived at Galderia about a week ago." [Dale]

As the conversation between the two continued, Grey, Yuna, and the villagers came into the light of the city lights. They were finally able to rest from the long journey.

"I heard from Dale about you. You're Grey and Yuna, right? I'm Ragnar, the knight in charge of the eastern gate." [Ragnar]

Whilst Grey and Yuna were making sure that the villagers were fine, the muscular man who was talking to Dale approached them, introducing himself as a knight.

As Merusia's civilization was similar to that of Earth's Middle Ages, knights are of course present across all countries. But unlike Earth where only gentles and nobles were able to become knights, even commoners have a chance to become one.

In the ranks of the military, the ranks are divided into three which consists of trainees. soldiers, and knights.

Trainees are pretty self-explanatory, they are those which are still undergoing training and have no proper rank yet. They are further divided into "Recruits" (soldiers-in-training) and "Cadets" (knights-in-training).

Soldiers are those who didn't graduate from the Royal Academy and just enlisted, equating to non-commissioned officers in modern armies. While knights are those who have graduated from the Royal Academy, receiving the title of "Knight". Knights can be considered equivalent to commissioned officers.

While most knights come from gentle and noble lineages, there are also those who earned the title by sheer hard work and talent. Ragnar was an example of this.

"Ah, yes, that's us." [Grey]

"Then, I'll get straight to the point, what is the meaning of this?!" [Ragnar]

With an imposing aura, Ragnar asked Grey a question with a very serious tone. His eyes were that of a tiger ready to pounce at its prey if something were to go wrong.

Of course, Grey and Yuna weren't a little bit by Ragnar's aura. To them, it just felt like the air became a little bit heavier. But to normal people, what their eyes saw was true terror.

"Well..." [Grey]

As calmly as he could, Grey explained the situation to Ragnar. He explained that the villagers lost their homes from an Orc Horde and that they were sent by the Guildmaster to protect them, and Ragnar listened to his explanation attentively.

Although most of what Grey said was true, he lied about who defeated the Orc Horde. He only said that Kris and Aria were sent to deal with the horde as they evacuated the villagers. After all, the knight probably won't believe them if they said they were the ones which annihilated the horde.

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