Chapter 52: Prison Break

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The night was deep and there was barely any noise left to be heard from the busy day. It was silent, serene, and dark, with only the lights from houses and the street lamps giving sight to the patrolling guards.

Although the whole town was resting, the guards and soldiers weren't. They must keep the populace safe during their most vulnerable state. It was a tedious job with a heavy responsibility but the guards didn't complain because it is their duty.

One of the places the guards never leave unattended was the prison. Filled with tough and dangerous criminals, the prison was a place which the guards have the heaviest responsibility to oversee, because if ever there was a prison break, not only the guards' life but also the citizens' will be put in danger.

And on this particular day, one of these prison breaks will occur, making one of the most dangerous criminal escapes. An escape which will cause havoc throughout the whole town.

"Hey, I heard that your wife is pregnant, congratulations!" [Guard 1]

"Ah, yeah..." [Guard 2]

"Hm...? You don't sound happy." [Guard 1]

"I'm just worried about the expenses. I don't really have enough money for my wife's birthing expenses, and there's still the child raising after that. Haah... I might need to switch to adventuring one of these days." [Guard 2]

The guard sighed with his eyes looking distantly. One could easily tell the burden he was carrying just by looking at how haggard and exhausted his face was. Eye bags could even be seen on it.

While soldiers, especially prison guards, have higher salaries than normal people and could earn an amount for a stable life, the guard couldn't help but worry about the expenses of saving a child. He was seriously considering how he should approach parenthood.

"You've got it rough, huh... Then how about I let you borrow a part of my savings? I'm not really in dire need of it right now, and I also don't have a family to take care of like you." [Guard 1]

"Ah, you don't have to. It's not really your responsibilityー." [Guard 2]

"Hahaha! What kind of responsibility are you talking about? It's only normal to help a friend in need." [Guard 1]

"No, that's still kind ofー" [Guard 2]

"Then you can think of it as a congratulatory gift from me. And if you're still feeling guilty from borrowing money, then you can pay it back once you can." [Guard 1]

"Ah... Thank you, really..." [Guard 2]

The second guard tried to refuse his friend's offer at first, but hearing how serious and considerate his friend was, he soon gave up and just accepted his help. He was thankful to have such a kind friend.

"Hahaha! You make it sound like we're just strangers! Anyway, we should probably check on the prisoners. Our superiors will scold us if we just stay here." [Guard 1]

"Right..." [Guard 2]

After their idle chat, the guards patrolled the prison once again. Cell after cell, the two of them made sure that everything was fine and there was nothing suspicious or dangerous brewing.

Little did they know, the cell nearest to them while they were talking contained a criminal with dangerous capabilities. It was Gabal whom Fritz had arrested along with his master, Algerio.

A few minutes later, the guards returned back to where they originally were and continued their idle chat. As they patrolled, there was nothing which caught their eye. It was just another day at their jobs.

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