Chapter 133: Dungeon Break

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The air was fresh and clean as Grey and Yuna walked through the sparse forest. The closer they came to the village, the less trees there were to be seen until a large meadow greeted them at the forest's edge.

It was just a little past lunch and Grey and Yuna had already spent their free time meaningfully. Not only did they play games, they also enjoyed a hearty meal together, all so that they arrived back on the time expected of F-rankers.

The leisurely life Grey and Yuna dreamed of were now in their grasps. They never knew a normal life would be so relaxing, free from the formalities and expectations which once bound them. For the first time in a long while, they felt free.

"Oh! The adventurers! The adventurers are back!" [Soldier]

The very moment the soldiers saw their silhouettes over a distance, a joyous and festive atmosphere quickly enveloped them. After all, their return only meant one thing. It was that they succeeded.

The leader of the soldiers in particular was acting like he was on cloud nine as he rushed over Grey and Yuna. Excited and relieved expressions evident on his face as he anticipated hearing the news from the two's mouths directly.

"S-So, how did it go?" [Soldier]

"It went swimmingly." [Grey]

"Un! You won't have to worry about the orcs anymore." [Yuna]


"Ohh!! It's a success!!"

The celebratory noises only grew louder and louder with Grey and Yuna's declaration of victory. The soldiers couldn't be any more thankful that their issues and worries have now been resolved.

"Haha, sorry for the soldier's rowdiness. How about I escort you two back to where the Chief is?" [Soldier]

"Thank you, that would be much appreciated." [Grey]

Led by the soldier, Grey and Yuna once again entered the village. While they already knew where the Village Chief was, there was no harm in being guided by the soldiers. Such an act would make everyone at ease.

News spread fast inside the village. The villagers which were once harboring anxiety in their hearts, now went on about their daily lives with smiles void of worry. The village has returned to its previous merry state.

"I-Is that really true...?!" [Chief]

The Chief was still in disbelief even after Grey and Yuna told him the good news. It was only when Grey took out the drops that the Chief believed them, breathing out a sigh of relief and his body trembling a little ase took a seat.

"Haah... Thank god, thank god..." [Chief]

Mumbled the Chief under his voice. He had previously considered moving the villagers and abandoning their beloved village when worse comes to worst, but now, there was no need for such a plan. Everything has been fully resolved.

The tension he had to bear on his shoulders for the past few weeks has now fully dissipated as if it has never been there to begin with. If it weren't for his old age and aged bones, he would have jumped for joy already.

"Oh, where are my manners... Have you had lunch already, Mister Shin, Miss Elena? If you don't mind, we have a couple sandwiches here." [Chief]

"Ah, thanks..." [Grey]

"Thank you." [Yuna]

Although Grey and Yuna just had their lunch, refusing the Chief's offer would just be rude. Well, that and the fact that the sandwiches offered looked quite enticing. They still have space in their stomachs anyways.

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