Chapter 166: Sweet and Creamy Cream Puffs!

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""Eh?!""  [Amelia and Julius]

Loud and resonant screams echoed clearly across the whole castle as expressions of surprise were painted all over Julius and Amelia's face. One was simply shocked, covering her shyly, while the other had his hanging wide open.

It wasn't only the two. Although not as much, traces of surprise could be seen on the men's faces. But the lips of a certain someone amongst them quickly curled into a smile as soon as he regained his composure. That someone was none other than the mischievous King himself.

He has not yet said a single word but the Prime Minister could already feel an ominous premonition brooding over his mind. After all, whenever the King showed such a smile, it was always because he was up to no good.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! What do you mean joining you? That's a Labyrinth, you know? A Labyrinth!"  [Julius]

"Hm? But weren't you the one who said you wanted a more eventful school break? Is there anything more eventful than going to a Labyrinth?"  [Yuna]

"I know, but that's... It's a Labyrinth, you know?"  [Julius]

Julius, who was just complaining not long ago, was not in complete disbelief. While he did say those words, he didn't mean it to be that eventful. Even for knights and trained personnels, Labyrinths are dangerous, after all.

But on the other hand, he might not get the chance to do it ever again. Not to mention he'll be with Grey and Yuna, meaning he'll be able to feast upon a lot of delicious dishes. He could also spend a lot of time with Amelia which was always a plus. There were just too many benefits.

Whilst the prince was conflicted over Yuna's suggestion, the other people in the room remained silent. Neither Grey nor the others were particularly against it. Actually, there was a certain man who was strictly in agreement with the suggestion. It was the same man who was wearing a worrying smile.

"Why don't you go, Julius? I think it will serve as a good experience for you and Amelia. You aren't against this, are you, Alfred?"  [Ernes]

"Well, if it were other people, I would be worried about sending my daughter in such a dangerous place, but since it's Their Highnesses they are with, I can rest easy. I also agree with His Majesty."  [Aflred]

"See?! What are you shying away for? Hahahaha!"  [Ernes]

"Father..."  [Julius]

A boisterous laughter, a shaky voice, and a depressed sigh. Such things echoed in the room at the same time. The most latter being from the Prime Minister as he resigned himself from correcting the King.

Meanwhile, Julius was in deep thought about Yuna's suggestion. He also asked for Amelia's opinion, thinking things thoroughly before they start regretting things. It wasn't too long before they reached an agreement.

"Haah... Alright, we'll be joining you."  [Julius]

"We'll be in your care again, Grey, Yuna."  [Amelia]

"Yaay~!"  [Yuna]

A bright smile was plaster over Yuna's face, extending from ear to ear. And while Grey was a little disappointed that he won't be able to be alone with Yuna as much, he was also delighted that they'll have more companions over the trip.

If there was a problem, it would be that school would be starting just about the same time the Labyrinth ends. He doesn't know if they'll arrive back on time even if they were to go full speed. But oh well, it's a problem they decided to cross once they get to it.

"Then... Since the Labyrinth of Flames would be opening up soon, why don't you take the teleportation gates?"  [Ernes]

"Your Majesty, I think that's a little too improper..."  [Anderson]

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