Chapter 28: Raid (pt. I)

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Sky Blue, Amber, Orange, Deep Blue, and Black. The colors of the sky changed with the passing of time. The sun and clouds disappeared from sight as the moon and stars took their place.

Evening has arrived and so did the time Grey and Yuna had been waiting for, for three years. It was time to raid Iblis' base of operations and stop the beast incidents once and for all.

Although Grey has been preparing himself since the discussion and all the passing years, he still can't stop his hands from trembling. As tonight, he might end up killing a person for the first time in both his lives.

Unlike on Earth, the laws here in Merusia doesn't value life as importantly. Although Grey hates killing, if it's for the sake something or someone important for him, he won't hesitate on dirtying his hands.

Knock Knock Knock

"Grey...?" [Yuna]

As Grey steeled his resolve, a sudden knocking could be heard coming from the door. It was accompanied by Yuna's soft and slightly anxious voice.

Anger, anxiety, grief, relief, and other varieties of emotions. Yuna's heart was swirling with different emotions. Now that she can extract her revenge, she was feeling emotions she didn't know she had. It was as if she was traversing swampy terrain within a dark tunnel. It was a dark and uncomfortable feeling.

"Yeah, I'm here. Do you need anything?" [Grey]

"Not really... I just want to hear your voice..." [Yuna]

There was a trace of loneliness present in her voice as Yuna spoke those words. Even when she was on the other side of the door, Grey could clearly feel the slight trembling in her voice.

Hearing her voice, Grey felt a little calmer. He had realized that he had no time to feel down. Instead, he felt the need to collect himself and man up. He needs to become a pillar Yuna can lean on.

"Umm, Grey... After this... I want to eat sweets again... I want to eat the sweets you made before..." [Yuna]

Silence... There was no response to Yuna's request. It was only after a few seconds of silence that a creaking sound could be heard as Grey walked towards the door. The footsteps echoing louder inside Yuna's ears as he got closer.

A click and a creak, those were the final sounds which echoed throughout the corridor as Grey opened the door, revealing a silver-haired elf who was looking down the floor as she held both of her hands tightly together.

"Sure, that's a promise." [Grey]

Grey replied as he patted Yuna's head. It was a gesture Grey usually makes without much thought, but this time, he did it to comfort the adorable elven girl before him.

A surging warmth filled Yuna's heart as Grey's hands stroked her head. Even though she was still worried, she was now feeling more comfortable with Grey by her side. She felt protected by the man she trusts the most.

Side by side, Grey and Yuna then headed to the rendezvous point, making sure to not disturb the peace of the night. They were as silent as shadows as they moved quietly on top of the roofs.

"Oh, they're here. Grey! Yuna!" [Kris]

The first one to notice their arrival was Kris, followed by Aria, then Vanessa, and Kurt. All other members of the raid were already present. They were just waiting for Grey and Yuna to arrive.

"Seems like everybody arrived early." [Grey]

"Hahaha, we just couldn't wait anymore. I just want to give those guys a piece of my mind as soon as possible." [Kris]

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