Chapter 64: Spaghetti and Macaroni!

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Bang Bang Bang

"Grey! Wake uppppp!" [Yuna]

Accompanied by Yuna's unusually loud voice, a similarly loud banging on the door echoed throughout the whole room. That was the first thing that had greeted Grey the moment he woke up.

After his long night of making his gift for Yuna, Grey still wanted to sprawl lazily on the bed and waste his morning that way. Even when he wanted to, because of Yuna making such loud noises, he couldn't.

The more time passed that Grey did not answer, the more aggressive Yuna's "knocking" became. She was becoming increasingly worried that Grey still didn't respond. Her knocking only stopped when she heard Grey's footsteps.

Groggily, Grey headed towards the door like a sleepy zombie, his eyes barely open and his hair greatly greatly disheveled. He put no effort into fixing himself a little bit. After all, Yuna had seen that side of him countless times already.

"Geez, what took you so lonー" [Yuna]

The moment Grey opened the door, Yuna tried to show her dissatisfaction, but before she could even finish her words, Grey grasped her into his embrace and held her tightly, making her both flustered and confused.

"G-Grey...?" [Yuna]

"This is punishment for waking me up." [Grey]

"I... I see...... What a cruel punishment..." [Yuna]

Yun just let Grey embrace her tightly without showing any signs of resistance. She was also enjoying the warmth of Grey's body and the sound of his heartbeats as she placed her head on his chest.

Grey embraced Yuna for about a minute, and during that time, Grey enjoyed Yuna's facial expressions. Especially when her cheeks and ears were painted in a rosy tint from being flustered.

"You seem tired." [Yuna]

"Mmm... I tried organizing the items we got from the Labyrinth yesterday, so I didn't get much sleep." [Grey]

"Sorry, I wasn't able to help." [Yuna]

"Don't worry about it. I also had fun doing it." [Grey]

Just like he said, Grey was actually having a little bit of fun as he organized the things they managed to acquire. And rather than having Yuna help, he was actually thankful that she wasn't present yesterday.

If Yuna was there, Grey wouldn't have been able to craft the necklace he made throughout the night. He wanted it to be a surprise to Yuna and wanted to see how she would react to it.

"Ah, right. Grey, breakfast is almost ready. I came to tell you that." [Yuna]

"......" [Grey]

Grey was left speechless from Yuna's statement. With the amount of noise she created, he had assumed she had something far more important to tell him. But it turned out it was actually quite trivial.

"Pfft." [Grey]

"What's so funny...?" [Yuna]

"Nothing... I'm just thinking how cute my girlfriend is." [Grey]

Accompanied by a gentle patting in her head, Grey's words made Yuna's face instantly beet red. She was red all the way to her ears that Grey wanted to tease her more.

After all, even if they had already become lovers, they showed their affections more in action rather than words. While they do say sweet things to one another from time to time, they still haven't gotten used to it.

"W-What are you saying all of a sudden?! Surprise attacks like that are unfair!" [Yuna]

Or so she says, but Grey had also received quite the number of surprise attacks from Yuna, and destructive ones at that. Rather than teasing her, it was more like he was just returning the favor.

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