Chapter 30: Raid (pt. III)

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Left, Right, Left, Left. Kurt and Grey took one turn after another as they traversed the massive labyrinth. Even when they already knew that the labyrinth was large, its size was far more amazing than they had initially expected.

It has already been about an hour since the two entered from the summit and so far, nothing too problematic had occurred after the appearance of the three abominable beasts from before.

It would have been easier to punch the walls and create a tunnel, but doing so could cause the mountain to collapse. Especially since the two had the strength to easily crush boulders into fine powder. Being reckless was far too risky.

"I have to say... your navigational ability really is outstanding, Sir Grey. We have been in this maze for quite some time but we have yet to find a dead end. I don't know what to call it other than 'amazing'!" [Kurt]

"Hahaha, you're praising me too much. It's just luck." [Grey]

That was a lie.

Throughout the time Kurt and Grey have been navigating through the labyrinth, Grey has been using his "Heaven's Eye". At first, he was skeptical if it would work in a place located underground but his worries were all for naught. It still functioned normally even under such circumstances.

If it weren't for the fact that Grey and Kurt have entered from the summit, they would have already reached the main chamber by now. In fact, they have already walked quite a number of kilometers as they navigated throughout the labyrinth.

Of course, Kurt didn't know the existence of such an amazing ability. After all, other than 'Judgement' which Grey had revealed to the Guildmaster, all other effects from his abilities have been kept hidden. Yuna was the only one who knew about Grey's abilities.

'Oh? Aren't these....' [Grey]

Just as Grey was feeling a little guilty about lying straight to Kurt's face, he sensed a pair of presences a few hundred meters away from him. They didn't belong to enemies nor beasts, but rather...

"Oh, Kurt! Grey!" [Vanessa]

... they belonged to two ladies who were part of their raid team. It were Vanessa and Yuna were having a friendly chat as they traversed the labyrinth.

The moment Vanessa saw the two men, she immediately raised her right hand and waved it energetically. Accompanying her energetic gesture was her equally energetic smile and voice.

"How did things go on your side? Did anything interesting happen?" [Vanessa]

"Elder Sister, you ought to be more serious in these situations... " [Kurt]

"Eh~?! Kurt, you're just too stiff! Loosen up, will you?" [Vanessa]

Kurt tried to reprimand his older sister but it was pointless. In a space where no other people were around, Vanessa's carefreeness was just on another level.

But with Vanessa acting like such, the tension in the air quickly dropped. It was unknown whether she was doing it on purpose or was just being her carefree self. After all, she IS Vanessa.

"Oh, right. I just remembered, but did you also get to fight some freaky looking creatures? Yuna and I fought some along the way. They were su~per strong despite their appearances." [Vanessa]

As if she had just remembered a trivial topic, Vanessa suddenly asked a serious question towards Grey and Kurt. The two of course knew what Vanessa was talking about.

"Lady Vanessa, are you talking about the creatures who dropped these?" [Grey]

Grey replied as he showed the three beast crystals he and Kurt had picked up after subjugating the creatures. They were about the size of a fist and had a bluish yet transparent coloration.

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