Chapter 82: Cheesy and Meaty Lasagna

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"Oh, Grey, Yuna, fancy meeting you here." [Veronica]

A familiar voice echoed from behind as Grey received the last of Elise and Elaine's scolding. The owner of the voice was none other than Veronica who was on her way home from working in the palace.

"Good afternoon, Missus Veronica." [Yuna]

"Good afternoon, Your Excellency." [Elise]

"Good afternoon." [Elaine]

Following Yuna's lead, Elise and Elaine also bowed their heads slightly as they greeted Veronica who just happened to pass by. As for the receiver of their greetings, her eyes were focused on another person.

"Mmm, Good afternoon as well, but... Might I ask why Grey is currently kneeling on the ground?" [Veronica]

"Ah, Missus Veronica, you see..." [Yuna]

The person Veronica's eyes were fixated to was none other than Grey who was still kneeling on the ground, reflecting on his actions. Now that another person had seen him in such a state, Grey just wanted to crawl inside a hole and hide away.

To avoid any further misunderstanding, Yuna explained to Veronica what just happened and also the reason for Grey's current state. Veronica, hearing the reason, heaved a lengthy sigh as she once again looked at Grey.

"Grey, you should have thought more before saying such things. Women are more sensitive than you think. Be more careful next time, okay?" [Veronica]

"Yes, ma'am..." [Grey]

"That's fine as long as you've learnt your lesson... Also, there's no need to kneel anymore. I'm sure the girls have forgiven you." [Veronica]

To Veronica's words, Elise and Elaine nodded as they showed their agreement. They were no longer angry and had returned to their normal selves. After all, they have already vented out their frustrations by scolding Grey.

Seeing Elise and Elaine nod to Veronica's words, Grey slowly stood up and patted away the dirt on his pants. He had learnt his lesson and was very thankful for Veronica's timely intervention.

"Well then, I'll be heading home first. Grey, Yuna, make sure you don't go home too late, okay?" [Veronica]

"Ah, wait, Missus Veronica, I have something to ask of you." [Grey]

Veronica was about to turn around and leave when Grey stopped her in her tracks. She then tilted her head slightly in confusion, wondering what Grey was going to ask of her when they could have just talked about it in the mansion.

Grey didn't miss a beat and quickly asked Veronica's permission to use the kitchen once again. It was about the little celebration he and Yuna had previously planned which will involve a lot of cooking.

While Veronica had given them permission to cook at the kitchen at any time, the scale Grey and Yuna will be cooking today's dinner will be much bigger. It was the reason why Grey needed to ask permission beforehand.

"Mmm... I don't think there will be any problem with that. There's plenty of space in the kitchen so you can cook as much as you want. I'm sure the chefs and the kids will enjoy it." [Veronica]

"Ah, thanー" [Grey]

Before Grey could finish his words, Grey saw Elise and Elaine at the corner of his eyes, making him halt his words. A sudden thought popped up in his mind out of the blue as he saw them.

"Actually, Missus Veronica, could I have one more request? Could I invite some people over for the little celebration?" [Grey]

"Other people... Ah!" [Veronica]

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