Chapter 115: Potatoes Galore!

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Chop Chop Chop

A redundant sound echoed every time the knife makes contact with the chopping board. The whistling sound of steam, the boiling of water, and the whooshing of flames. A variety of sounds echoed all over the kitchen from time to time, creating a calming melody accompanied by the aromatic scents of food being cooked.

It has been about a week since Grey and Yuna returned to Galderia, and currently, the two of them are helping out in making dinner along with Gerd and Selia. It has become one of their daily routines since coming back.

"Hm?" [Grey]

All of a sudden, one of Grey's eyebrows arched as he looked at the content of his "Inventory". There was a specific kind of item his eyes locked on whilst wearing a concerned expression over his face.

"Is something wrong, Grey? You seem worried." [Yuna]

"No, it's just... we're running low on potatoー" [Grey]

"Ehh?!" [Yuna]

Grey couldn't even finish his statement. Before he had the chance to, Yuna's scream full of shock and surprise cut off his words. She was wearing a pale expression on her face as if the world was about to end.

Well, Yuna's reaction was justifiable. After all, potatoes have been incorporated into many of their dishes. Not to mention the snacks and treats which could be made with them. She just couldn't imagine their meals the same without potatoes.

It has been almost six months since Grey and Yuna bought the potatoes on their first quest, and while they were able to buy potatoes from time to time, there still wasn't enough to sustain themselves. Potatoes have yet to fully integrate into the market.

While Grey could grow potatoes in his "Sanctuary" and speed it up with plant magic, there was just one tiny problem. It was that all space had already been occupied by various crops, more than 70% of the space being rice fields.

"No... My potatoes..." [Yuna]

Despair could be traced in both Yuna's face and voice. There were even tears forming at the corners of her eyes. She was distraught, in distraught of the thought that she wouldn't be able to eat potatoes anymore.

It wasn't until when Grey calmed her down that Yuna stopped despairing over such depressing thoughts, and only after taking a bite of dinner that she returned to her usual self. It was as if she was never depressed to begin with.

Time passed by quickly and the morning sun had risen once again over the vast horizon. The city had awoken as bustling noises reached the sky and busy crowds came pouring out their houses to start their daily lives.

"Potatoes~ Potatoes~ Potatoes~!" [Yuna]

In contrast to her previous self, Yuna has become much more cheerful as a bright smile floated on her face. She was humming to herself the same word as she and Grey headed to the Adventurers' Guild.

In order to appease Yuna yesterday, Grey had suggested that they once again head towards the village growing potatoes and buy themselves a large amount. Since they were heading there anyways, it was also decided that they take a quest in the vicinity of the village in order to get some quests done, killing two birds with one stone.

Upon their arrival, the guild was already busy. The staff members and receptionists were accommodating the adventurers who had already picked their quests. It was business as usual.

Neither Grey nor Yuna paid the curious eyes any heed and headed towards the quest boards, inspecting any available quests that matched their requirements. There was no need to consider the rank as it didn't really matter.

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