Chapter 3: Dungeon Farming

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Puchi Puchi Puchi

In the large and barren cavern, only sounds of squishy and slimy things echoed throughout the halls as they bounced from one spot to another. The once undisturbed place was now filled with small transparent creatures.

In one corner, a couple of those creatures can be seen trying to bounce into the walls and sliding down slowly as they failed to do so. On the other corner, some could be seen bouncing towards one another. Just by observing their behavior for a short while, Grey...


"They aren't very smart, aren't they...?" [Grey]

.... inferred that they weren't the smartest of creatures as one of them impaled itself trying to jump over the small rock formations right in front of it.

Judging from its physical appearance alone and the absence of a physical brain, Grey already expected that they wouldn't be very smart, but the scenes he just saw in front of him were beyond his comprehension.

Grey once thought he had to be cautious when he entered a dungeon, but seeing their behavior, Grey could afford to dawdle and observe them all he wanted. He could probably sleep there for a few hours and then they wouldn't notice him.

《Appraisal》 [Grey]







【Mana Capacity】12     【Mana Quality】H

【Combat Power】2       【Threat Level】H



Like what Grey had expected, the slimes' stats were quite low. In fact, it was low enough to the point that children could beat them without breaking a sweat.

In Merusia, adult men have an average combat power of 10 while women average at 8. As for kids, they have somewhere between 5 and 6, enough to combat a couple of slimes at the same time.

Seeing the slimes' combat power, Grey couldn't help but feel like a superior being that controls the lives of the slimes before him. Thankfully, he was able to suppress that feeling before it went to his head.

"Now then, how should I deal with them..." [Grey]

Inside of his "Memory Bank", there were a few methods of dealing with monsters, the only problem was that they required the use of magic.

"Should I try 'that'?" [Grey]

As if the echoing noises in the cavern were nothing to him, Grey slowly closed his eyes and focused his concentration into the utmost limit. In that moment, it was as if he was one with the surroundings, his breath in sync with the silent wind and his mind as calm as the shadows in the ceiling.

Inside his mind, Grey visualized the stagnant air... the moving wind... everything which encompasses gasses in his surroundings, slowly compressing into a tiny sphere denser than the ground below him.

Slowly and surely, a warm flow of mana surged from his soul into his body, circulating a couple of times before heading out into the environment like a storm trying to break free from its restraints.

In less than a second, the seemingly simple surge of mana gathered the surrounding air into a sphere on the top of his palm. The more time passed, the stronger the mana surged.

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