Chapter 95: Summoned to Summon

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Clack Clack Clack

The sound of footsteps echoed in the barren hallways as heavy metallic boots hit the surface of the cold stone floors. There was barely any light inside, making the atmosphere gloomier than it already was.

Traversing these lifeless hallways was the King of Alfrione, escorted by two knights cald in heavy armor and equipped with sharp swords. Even though they were wearing helmets, one could still see the fierceness in their eyes.

The King of Alfrione, like the dark hallways, wore a stern and dark expression as he  carried himself proudly. He was completely different to how he usually was. He now wore the dignity and honor of a king.


A short-lived sound was born in the gloomy hallways as the heavy metallic doors were opened. On the other side of the door were more people, surrounding what seems to be a woman tied to a chair.

At a closer look, the woman no longer moved. In fact, she was not even breathing as her head hung low towards the ground. Her body was as cold as the floor and her complexion pale as snow. She was already dead.

"Your Majesty..." [Edward]

One of the people present in the room was the General. Upon the King's entrance, he quickly lowered himself and bowed before the former. Following his gestures were the Lt. Generals, Albert, Ranzel, and Vanessa.

"Raise your heads." [Ernes]

"As you command." [Edward]

The King only needed to say three words and the others followed at his behest. Even then, the King's eyes were fixated on the woman on the chair, his expressions greeting more grim as time passed.

"Edward, how was it?" [Ernes]

"I apologize, Your Majesty..." [Edward]

"I see... Another failure, huh..." [Ernes]

"Yes. She died even before we had the chance to interrogate her." [Edward]

An exasperated sigh left the King's mouth as he held his head with one of his arms, an irritated expression about him as he gritted his teeth in anger. He wanted to slam the walls with his hand but didn't. He tried to maintain his dignity.

The others present completely understood how the King felt. They also wanted to vent out their frustrations as it was not the first such a thing had happened. They have already met numerous cases, yet all of them were failures.

The woman in the chair was none other than Rita. After being captured, she was brought to an interrogation chamber to extract information out of her, but before they could even start, she was killed with the use of contract magic, like how other members of Iblis did.

After their headquarters was destroyed, the remaining members of Iblis had become more aggressive. The kingdom had increased vigilance all over the kingdom, but it was not enough. There are still rats left around causing mayhem.

While no one present knew when Iblis was going to strike, they had already predicted when they would. The biggest possibility is during the founding festival next week when the largest number of people will be gathered.

In lieu of what might happen, security around the capital has been strengthened multiple folds, especially after what happened in the Royal Capital. They cannot let the same disaster happen again.

It was also out of the option to cancel the founding festival, not only because it was part of Alfrione's culture, but because it might cause unwarranted panic to the citizens and alarm the enemies. They wanted to avoid it at all cost as they didn't know how many enemies were lurking nearby.

YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusiaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें