Chapter 86: Cold and Sweet Smoothies!

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Lamp posts void of brightness, sparse trees in the sidewalks, and people bustling as they go about their daily lives. The royal capital has gone lively once again with the arrival of a new day.

The weekend has finally arrived and people have become busier with more people going around on their day offs. It was a day of relaxation not only for the students but for temporary instructors like Grey and Yuna as well.

Yesterday, after their dinner with the Landevar family, Yuna and Grey went back to the Aldridge mansion. There, the first thing that greeted them was a pouting and sleepy Galvin, upset why they came back so late.

It was only at that time where Grey and Yuna realized how late the night really was when they had returned. It was about to turn 9 o'clock and the last bell of the day was about to ring. It was a time where many people had already gone to sleep.

As for the reason why Galvin was pouting, it was because the two of them always played with them everytime they returned, and since it was already late and was already time for bedtime, they didn't have the time to do so.

In order to compensate for not being able to play with them, and also to fulfill their promise with Eliza the day before to play with her again, today, Yuna and Grey went to the Landevar mansion along with Galvin and Elnart.

"Liz~!" [Yuna]

"Ah, Elder Sister Yuna! Elder Brother Grey! You're here!" [Eliza]

As Yuna's voice reached her ear, Eliza quickly searched for them with an excited and happy smile displayed on her bright face. She quickly ran up to them the moment she spotted them like an energetic puppy seeing their owner.

And for reasons unknown, the ever so energetic Galvin became shy, hiding himself behind Grey's back the moment he saw Eliza running towards them. It was the first time he had acted so after meeting Grey and Yuna for the first time.

Eliza was about to give Yuna a tight embrace like usual, when she suddenly stopped before she could even reach them. The reason was simple. It was because she saw Galvin and Elnart beside them.

"Hm? Who are these?" [Eliza]

"Ah, these are Galvin and Elnart. Count Landevar's children, we brought them here to play with you. Galvin, Elnart, this is Liz, the one we talked about yesterday." [Grey]

"Liz, be nice to them, okay?" [Yuna]

"Ah, y-yes!" [Eliza]

After that introduction, Eliza continued to eye the two curiously. She didn't complain that Grey and Yuna brought other children, but rather, only looked at them with eyes of pure and innocent curiosity.

"I'm Elnart Landevar, and this is my younger brother, Galvin, it's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Eliza." [Elnart]

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Big Sis Liz..." [Galvin]

"Big Sis..." [Eliza]

Having heard the words "Big Sis" being attached to her nickname, Eliza's eyes sparkled and a smile quickly bloomed on her face. It was her first time being referred to as such by other children.

"Un! Big Sis will take good care of you!" [Eliza]

Eliza declared as she puffed her chest proudly, not being able to suppress her smile. She was enchanted by the idea of becoming the big sister to two children younger than her. Not to mention those children were also nobles.

Like how Grey and Yuna would usually treat Eliza, Eliza also patted Elnart and Galvin's heads as she said those words. She was getting carried away with the role of being the big sister, but Grey and Yuna just let her be as they watched her warmly.

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